1911 style .45, in the market for one

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O.K. Fellas, here's a question that's bound to draw some opinions. I'm an unrepentant Glocker and as a back up I favor my Kahr K9. However, I am in a position that I can possibly add another weapon to the battery and I'm wanting a 1911 .45.

I've had plenty of grief with this type weapon (that's why I'm a Glocker) having owned and sunk mucho dinero into 2 (a Colt Combat Commander and a Springfeild Gov't Model) and they both were less than reliable.

I'm considering one of the newer versions, the factory customs, if you will. Top on my list is the Kimber but I'm open to any and all suggestions. I'm also interested in hearing how the regular production models are now. I've not owned a 1911 for about 8 years. Has the out of the box quality changed?

I'm hoping to find one that can restore my faith in John Browning's classic design, 'caus man they are soooo cool.

Dan: I, like you, am not a big fan of the 1911 - but, like you, I'm considering getting one. I'm leaning towards a new Springfield or Para-Ordinance. I probably won't be getting one for over a year. Anyone with a late model, tell us how it worked out of the box.
I have a Para-Ord out of the box that has been great for me. It is a steel P14. It feeds, it fires, it holds lots of big bullets. Does what it is supposed to.

My latest 1911 is a Clark-Caspian Meltdown .40 S&W, it is the best carry 1911 I have ever had.
They will do the work on your gun for around $700, depending on the make. For completed guns:

Springfield Armory: $1265
Colt $1315
Caspian $1390

Now, that is for the EVERYTHING version of the "Clark Meltdown Pistol", including their complete re-work for reliability, accuracy (new hammer, trigger, bushing, beavertail, etc, etc,etc,etc)

They will do a meltdown dehorn job on your pistol for less than $200 on a steel frame, including re-blueing. The way I see it, you are going to pay at least $50 for a decent hot blueing anyway, so if you've got a carry gun that needs refinishing, the Meltdown dehorn is incredibly justified

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 10-31-98).]
I recently bought a new Colt Commander, 100% reliable with all ammo out of the box. Now has about 1300 rounds thru it, no gun or mag stoppages. 2 1/2" 25 yard groups when my eyes work well. Also have Para P-12 that has been 100% out of the box. Both of the above are Alloy frame carry guns. Most problems with 1911 style guns are user/poor gunsmith caused. GLV
Is your Colt Commander a 1991A1 or is it a MK IV Enhanced? And have you made any modifications and do you carry it concealed? Thanks and sorry for the 3rd degree!
Dan, it is the enhanced. After proofing the gun, I removed all sharp edges, installed Trijicon sights, put a Clark sear spring in gun and did trigger job 4 1/2 lb. I don't like rubber grips, so I put an old set of Colt walnut grips on the gun. Last, I removed one coil from recoil spring, and added a .090 shok buff. All work done by self, total cost about 85 bucks. The only part changed was the sear spring, and the new colt design would have been fine, but I have been using Clark's design for many years and it is habit I guess. After about 600 rounds, I found I was shooting a little low, so changed out main spring housing ( from flat to round ) with one out of my parts box. Seems to have solved problem. Its strange, but due to the slightly larger grip?, I shoot the Para with a flat housing. Go figure. GLV
I gave the Charles Daly a throgough going over today. It really looks like a great gun. I talked to an owner and he says it won't feed HPs reliably, but I'll bet that could be fixed a little reliability work. The great thing is that it comes with a few good add-ons, Beavertail, oversized ambi saftey, extended slide release. General fit and finish was really good. It is also 100% 1911 compatible, unlike some other guns in that price range. Not a bad little deal for under $350.00
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