1911 recoil spring weight


New member
Been shooting a bit lately, a little more than usual. So I figure it's time to replace the recoil springs in my 1911's. One is a Para LDA and the other is a Springfield. Both government size.

What is the factory weight for the springs? Both guns have full length guide rods and shok-buff's.

the Springer should be 16.5 to 18.5, but I would call SA to verify. As far as the FLGR's & shok buff's most people don't like them but I have both in all of my .45 autos.
I don't know what Springfield and Para (Remington?) recommend, but you generally can't go wrong with a 16# spring in a 5" .45.

You might benefit by going a little heavier or a little lighter depending on the loads you usually shoot, but 16 will work.
"...it's time to replace the recoil springs..." Why? No need to change springs unless you're having cycling issues.
"...Para (Remington?)..." Kinda sorta. Remington shut Para-Ordnance down.
Both of 'em use the same spring as a Colt. 16 pounds is factory for a 5" .45.
I already custom make leaf springs for guns.
I guess I should get into the recoil spring business. If you people are going to waste your money, you might as well waste it with me!
I already custom make leaf springs for guns.
I guess I should get into the recoil spring business. If you people are going to waste your money, you might as well waste it with me!
Yeah Bill, ask them if they want fries with that then sell them mag springs they also don't need.:D
Just an FYI, the GI standard for replacement of recoil spring in the 1911A1 was not based on any round count. Absent actual damage (bent, broken, rusted, eitc.) what mattered was spring LENGTH.

I no longer remember the minimum length off the top of my head but its listed in the shop manual (TM) and might be in the FM as well, again, I no longer recall, but I do clearly remember that if it was below the listed length, it got replaced, and if it wasn't, it didn't.

Weight of the spring compression was not a consideration, only the length of the relaxed spring. But, then, that's the Army for ya! ;)
In today's car, oil replacement is predicated on the gauge the manufacturer puts in the vehicle to determine how much life is remaining in the oil. I change my oil when life reaches 50%. Why? Because oil is the life blood of the car and is a small investment to keep the car running.

A Recoil Spring in a modern 1911 is about $7. Indeed, it is time to change that spring when the gun begins to give you cycling problems. But why would you wait for that especially when all it takes is $7 for a new spring? I carry what I shoot and I have been known to shoot several thousand rounds per month. Unless I have a cycling problem, I will change my recoil (and firing pin) spring about every 3000 rounds. The last thing I would ever want is a cycling problem when I really need to use my gun.
A lot of people don't really know how pistols work and there is a lot of goofy opinions out there. Not to pick on the OP at all but there are many that think you can somehow "protect" a 1911 by installing a new or stronger recoil spring in order to slow the rearward speed of the slide down.

Fact is the hammer and mainspring have much more to do with slowing the slide down as it comes back than the recoil spring. The problem with putting in a stronger recoil spring is you run into the risk of the mag springs not being able to keep up with the slide speed as it comes forward.
Rinspeed said:
Fact is the hammer and mainspring have much more to do with slowing the slide down as it comes back than the recoil spring. The problem with putting in a stronger recoil spring is you run into the risk of the mag springs not being able to keep up with the slide speed as it comes forward.
There's that, but another downside to using a stronger recoil spring (John Browning called it a "action" or "reaction" spring, because it's purpose is not to absorb recoil but to chamber the next round) is that you risk battering the slide stop pin and the lower barrel lugs.
I can see it now- the Bill DeShivs 50,000 round recoil spring! I'll sell a million of them, cause guys will be changing them out at 10,000 rounds to prevent problems!