1911 Questions


New member
I have some questions about my all around favorite pistol, the 1911.

-Will the newer 8 round magazines work in all the pistols? (My Charles Daly clone came with 8 round mags)

-I've noticed that many of the super nice, super expensive ones lack ambidextrious safties, even though my much lower quality CD has one standard. Is putting an ambi saftey flipper on easy? (I have the same gripe about Browning Hi Powers)

-What make and model of a 1911 would be a good balance between quality and price? I don't need a competition grade pistol, but my CD, for instance, sometimes have problems with the cheapo ammo I use for plinking (reloads, soft lead tips with no jacketing, buy a box of 50 for five bucks). Just to add some perspective, I can't afford a Colt Gold Cup or a Les Baer, period.
A lot of people don't like the ambi saftey including me.There is a good chance when carrying the 1911 concealed the ambi can snag on clothing thus taking the gun off safe.Also I just don't like the looks of them.If you are left handed you don't have much choice.Check out Gunsite web site.The Gunsite Service Pistol 2000 lists for $995.00 it is a lot of pistol for the money. BILLG
Ive seen the Gunsite pistol... 995 is a fantastic price for it. But its 400 dollars more than the Springfield... Thats a Glock folks. If your concerned about your dollars... You could do really well with that Springfield.
Springfields are my personal favorite factory guns.
Anyways... If you have the funds... 995 is sweet.
Ambi Safties

Well, like the looks or not, It's what needs to be done. I'm left handed and left eye dominant. I can't shoot worth crap right handed. Some of these gunmakers should realize that two out of every ten of their potential customers are left handed and design their weapons accordingly. Maybe I'd just go to a double action. The problem is finding a pistol I like. I really like the 1911. I like the Ruger P90, too...
$500 or so buys a loaded Springfield.

$200 up to whatever is your limit can customize it however you desire.

It is more than adequate out of the box, and only gets better from there with a trip to a competent smith.


I do not favor ambi safeties- they can grab clothing at the worst time.
If you want a nice 1911 that looks like a 1911, I suggest (as always), the Springfield Milspec. If you want a "tactical" 1911 that looks funky but is accurate for the money, check out the Kimber Custom.