1911 or P220

Depends on which 1911 you're looking at. The Sig P220 is a great gun, I have three of them. One a Stainless limited 45 and the other two are P220 Legions. One in 10mm and one in 45 ACP
If I didn’t have a 1911, that would be my choice. If I did have a 1911, I would be looking at the Sig in 10mm.
If you like DA/SA, get the SIG.
If the gun is for range use, and you'll never use DA, then I'd go for the 1911 due to better ergonomics, and probably a better SA trigger.
The only P220 I've shot was a very high-end Grayguns custom, and it was pretty nice, but I'd still prefer it only if I had a real need for, or desire for DA/SA.
Both can be great guns, the 220 is likely going to be more of a sure thing there, right out of the box. Ive owned a number of both, and the SIG's all worked out of the box, The 1911's, not so much.

If its going to be the first of either for you, Id probably go with the 220 first. Learn to shoot it (and they are easy to learn), and youll be a better overall shooter in the long run. DA guns are not the boggey man the SA shooters will tell you they are. If you cant shoot one well, its not the guns fault. ;)

SIG's DA triggers are very nice, and their SA triggers as good as any of my 1911's.

Another thing with the SIG's, if you like the "smaller" versions, the SIG 220 "Compact", and the P245, its predecessor, work just like the full size guns, and arent the least bit finicky. Ive had a couple of 1911's that were shorter than Commander length, and they were mostly trouble.
As far as I'm concerned, the Sig P220 is the only semi auto I would consider as a replacement for the 1911 pattern .45 Auto.

I bought a Browning BDA 45 in 1980. Turned out to be one of the best purchases I've ever made.
I've got both and wouldn't consider selling either. As someone else said if you don't have a 1911 get it first and then get the P220.
Do you own, or have you shot a da/as pistol? Takes practice transitioning from double action to single action. At one time I owned two 220’s, one the “Carry” version. Could never shoot those pistols well.

Now I’m a 1911 and Glock guy. It’s much easier to learn one trigger pull. Maybe I’m just lazy.......I dunno.....
Hmmm.... I may be an anomaly but I don't shoot a P220 well. It's not my lack of time on the DA/SA platform either. The best shooting I've ever done with a Semi-Auto is with a CZ P07.

I recommend both, but I recommend the 1911 first. Unless you get a great deal on a German stamped slide P220... then I recommend you get that.
What are you going to use the gun for?

If just range fun, get the 1911.

Carry/self defense, go with the Sig

Better than either: Glock, totally idiot proof
I've owned both over the years. Right now I have one of each. A decent 1911 vs a Sig P220 is totally up to your preference. Try them both out before you buy.
Learning to shoot DA is only as hard as you choose to make it. ;)

It sounds like a lot of people put more effort into fighting it than learning it. Its really not that hard, and it really does make you a better shooter across the board, and thats with everything, not just handguns.

The best way to learn is with a DA revolver, shot DAO. Do that, and Ill guarantee you, you will be a better shooter with anything you pick up.

Most people Ive run across who say they cant shoot DA, have never "really" tried or put in the time and effort to learn. This is not gun issue, its a shooter issue.

99% of the time, its not the guns fault if you cant shoot it well. And that goes for "anything" you might pick up or have handed to you. ;)
I shoot both da/sa pretty good. Been shooting my whole life. I wanted to buy a new gun and thought about those two. Plus I don't have a 1911 any more and got the itch to get one again---- UPDATE---- just bought a new Springfield RO ELITE OPERATOR .45!!
Congrats on the new purchase. The Springfield Range Officer series are solid pistols. I was going to suggest looking a SAO Sig P220. I purchased a Compact SAO a few years ago and have been very pleased with it. The only one I know Sig is making right now is the Legion and it is on the pricey side, though in the neighborhood of the middle-plus tier of 1911s.
Easy call for me, 1911. So I think you made a good call!

I love the P220 and Sig makes my favorite DA/SA platform (such as it is, I prefer most other trigger types) but if I'm getting a single stack .45, I want a 1911 every time.

Now, a Sig 226 is a wonderful option if you want a heavy double stack 9mm or .40, I prefer it to the CZ 75 (though, again, great gun in itself)