1911 Holster Questions


New member
I have a few questions about where I should look for a specific style of holster. I don't wear a belt ever, and cant wear my gun out in the open. Should be worn concealed, but mainly just can't be obvious. Shoulder harness is an option, but I'm concerned about draw under a jacket and what not.

The gun I'm carrying is a gov 1911 with a 5" barrel; Para USA Expert. I probably will only be carrying when camping or while working. I drive a courier truck for a living.

Haven't carried before, but I'm not that worried about what exact gun I'm carrying so no need to discuss that bit.
Bowdog pretty much summed it up. For a gun that size and weight, youre going to need a good belt and holster, to make it through the day.

As far as the jacket, or cover garment, you need to practice getting the gun into play with whatever you choose, and that requires a good bit of initial practice, and regular practice from there on.

What you carry gun wise, doenst really change much, unless you get into the "little guns". You still need a good holster, and something to support it. Even the little guns normally need something.
That's going to be a little tough without a good belt my suggestion would be a 5 shot j-frame Smith&Wesson carried in a pocket holster.
If you don't wear a belt, concealed carry either inside the waistband or outside the waistband is going to be a problem. Even the people I know who Mexican carry (IWB without a holster) have and need a sturdy belt to keep things in place.

I think you're going to need a shoulder holster. You'll need to look for one that doesn't use a strap across the chest, and that has belt loops to hold the holster (or magazine carrier) in place when drawing. Replace the belt loops with suspender clips so you can attach directly to your pantaloons.
If you don't wear a belt, concealed carry either inside the waistband or outside the waistband is going to be a problem. Even the people I know who Mexican carry (IWB without a holster) have and need a sturdy belt to keep things in place.

Mexican carry more safely simplified for $20: Clipdraw.



I am retired and wear jeans 99 and 44/100% of the time. Forget the belt and buy a 2" pair of these for $20. Your back and sciatic nerve will love you for it.


With suspenders and the Clipdraw, the entire trigger and guard is inside the waistband and the butt/grip is outside of the suspender strap. Easy access and the safety is next to the body. If you wear a heavy shirt or light jacket over it, it does not print easily.

I think you're going to need a shoulder holster. You'll need to look for one that doesn't use a strap across the chest, and that has belt loops to hold the holster (or magazine carrier) in place when drawing. Replace the belt loops with suspender clips so you can attach directly to your pantaloons.

A shoulder holster for an all-steel 5" 1911 is, IMO a PITA, and I used a Bianchi shoulder rig for a Ruger SBH for decades while fishing/living in Alaska. Quality shoulder rigs are EXPENSIVE and, IMO, need to be balanced with a dual magazine pouch on the strong side to balance the rig, which adds more weight and discomfort. And you must reach across the body to draw.

Just my $.02.

Edit: I was curious about the Para Expert. Here is one review. Nice looking pistol!

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Best is a good belt and holster, next would be a good shoulder holster, then there are clothing lines that have built in holsters in the clothing, lastly a belly band style holster
So this is what I did... I got a BlackHawk holster for the gun, another for the extra mag (I adhere to the thinking that two is one, one is zero), and a "TheWilderness" belt that I actually quite like.

No problems, been kinda wearing all day around the house to see how I feel about it. Like it, but realizing a gun this size isn't easy to conceal.... Though I can't say I am too surprised.

What do you guys think about the MagPul videos to get you thinking about how to fight with a carry weapon?
For my Para, I ended up with a Blackhawk Serpa holster. I've been using the belt attachment, but the paddle version also seems fine. As others have pointed out, it's rather hard to "conceal" a full-sized 1911 no matter what. That said, I might have to order one of those under-the-grip clips just for S&G's. Hadn't seen one of those before.

If you're absolutely opposed to wearing a belt, I would say the shoulder holster is your best bet, especially if you spend most of your day in a vehicle. If you are right handed, the seat belt may interfere with strong side waistband carry. I haven't tried them yet, but you may also want to consider www.pistolwear.com products as another alternative.
Tangentabacus said:
So this is what I did... I got a BlackHawk holster for the gun, another for the extra mag (I adhere to the thinking that two is one, one is zero), and a "TheWilderness" belt that I actually quite like.
So much for "I don't wear a belt ever ..." :p
@ Ritz:

That said, I might have to order one of those under-the-grip clips just for S&G's. Hadn't seen one of those before.

I really like it. It is very convenient as one does not need to find and don a holster and belt, but HD suspenders are a must in my situation and I wear them daily. Grab the pistol, slip it inside the waistband at 4 o'clock on the strong side, and cover it. It takes but a few seconds.

If you get one, either add to this thread or PM me as to your opinion. I'd really like to know what you think. Many have poo-pooed it as not safe (vis-à-vis with a holster) but I cannot think of a situation where this carry is not as safe as holster carry unless one is jogging/running while carrying.

One other aspect is that it may not be legal in some states that require concealed carry in a holster. WA State and Alaska are not among them.


@Aguila Blanca

So much for "I don't wear a belt ever ..."

I noticed that also... That's why my attention to suspenders.
AKexpat said:
One other aspect is that it may not be legal in some states that require concealed carry in a holster. WA State and Alaska are not among them.
I'm not aware of any state that requires a holster, for either concealed or open carry. Are there any such? Can you provide a link to the law(s) that say(s) that?

@Aguila Blanca

So much for "I don't wear a belt ever ..."
I noticed that also... That's why my attention to suspenders.
I was referring to the fact that the OP stated in his opening post that he doesn't EVER wear a belt and was looking for suggestions other than a belt -- and in his next post he reported that he had bought a belt. :confused:
On your Wilderness belt and SERPA:IMO,a good choice for a utility /open carry holster,and,with the right clothes,can be used concealed.I personally like the SERPA retention factor,but!!There is some controversy around it.
If you use a SERPA,it is important you develop a strong muscle memory/correct technique for your draw.You place the web of your hand up under the spur on the backstrap,thumb up over the thumb safety,and trigger finger pointed straight down the slide,like you will point that finger at your target.You will be applying some downward pressure on the handgun placing your grip.Place your straight trigger finger on the release button and draw.Keep your finger straight ,outside the guard,resting along or just under the slide till you decide it is time to shoot.

If you should allow yourself the bad habit of curling your finger to push the release button with your fingertip,you may well have that fingertip snap inside the triggerguard and onto the trigger as you draw.I think there may still be a vid of a guy trying to quickdraw from his SERPA then shooting himself in the leg on youtube.SERPA or not,train to keep your finger pointed straight ,and outside the guard,till its time to shoot.

A SERPA is great if you train to keep your boogerhook straight and out of the guard.

Maybe you will discover ,depending on weather,clothes,etc,that you need more than one holster.

If you will wear a belt,I am very happy I took a chance on a Milt SparksSummer Special.It is a classic IWB that carries a1911 very well .
it's rather hard to "conceal" a full-sized 1911 no matter what.

Not really, IME ....... It's slide is flat and relatively thin, so it rides IWB better than most ......I carried a 5", steel framed 1911 for a year ..... the key is a good belt and holster.

The Bianchi 100 (Size 14) works well if you don't require any forward cant.
Carrying a firearm is a big commitment, as well as a lifestyle change. Your wardrobe may have to change as well. I reccomend carrying IWB with a quality holster and belt. With the proper rig you can carry a full sized steel 1911 fairly comfortably. Any gun you carry will take some getting used to.
Also dont limit yourself to only carrying when camping or working. You should carry everywhere you can... just make it part of your every day routine. I even carry in my own house, just because im so used to it. I actually feel uncomfortable with out a firearm on me
You might look for an Alessi Talon IWB holster. They function as intended even without a belt due to the clip design.
Instead of quoting everyone I'll just explain everything here from the start.

I did quite a bit of trying on holsters with and without belts. Nothing felt better than the Blackhawk holster -for me-. Here where I live in Alaska there's really no problem open carrying most any place and actually there's very little to no crime. The majority of the time I'd carry would be when traveling or out in the yonder. In short: carrying this gun isn't really a problem thankfully.

Really really liking the gun and holster system I picked out so far. Thanks everyone for all your input!

This is a sickness, though... I now find myself looking for more of a "carry" gun.