1911 Government Model Holster Recommendations


New member
I am 62 years old, 5'8", 165#, no butt, no large pot gut but have a "nice" fat roll at the waist, retired, wear jeans with suspenders/no belt nearly always.

Looking for a holster suitable for CC under a heavy shirt (not tucked into pants)/light to medium jacket.

For years I used a Horseshoe Leather (Andy Aratoonian/Birmingham England) S.O.B. when I wore a belt. I can no longer wear a belt due to back problems/colon surgery problems.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
You might want to check out Hammered Hide Leathers. Their holsters are beautiful and relatively inexpensive for a custom made holster. They have an on-line store with prices on their web site.

I just bought a used one off eBay, and the quality is ever bit of what you get from El Paso, Kramer, Simply Rugged, and others. I was amazed when I received it and will look to special order my next holster from this place.
Three things come to mind.

First, you might try a nice shoulder holster. I have an Alessi I really like.

Second, I would consider a gun belt with suspenders. If the belt is adjusted a bit loose, the suspenders will hold it up.

Third, I find a rough out holster helps keep my holster in place, but still requires a slightly tighter belt.
Having thoroughly read Mas Ayoob's Concealed Carry article, I have decided to try out a ClipDraw for my 1911's (.45 and .22). It is a fairly close facsimile to similar items available for decades, no matter the manufacturer.


A fairly cheap experiment @ $20 per copy.

I want to CC primarily around my house/property so as not to alarm any friendly neighbors/visitors whom I may contact. Discretion/discreet carry is the overarching issue.

Although I support open carry, I think the recent demonstrations in Texas concerning open carry have backfired for the 2A folks due to the moronic actions/displays by certain "cowboys" (I use that term loosely) having to do with the disregard of the 3-4 cardinal rules of firearms etiquette/safety.

Sorry, I digress off-topic.