The follower is bent at an angle. The top part is roughly parallel with the feed lips of the magazine. It bends down at the rear and that part is at the same angle as the rear of the magazine. That part that bends down is the follower tail. If the spring is the right size, and the tail is long enough and at the right angle, the follower tail is trapped and will not tip.
Now I'll tell you how to remove the follower in a 1911 magazine without putting yourself in danger (new eyes being almost as scarce today as good GI parts for the 1911).
Use a wood dowel (the eraser end of a pencil works) to push down the follower until it is past the second or third inspection hole. Now insert a drift punch (a nail works) through the hole under the follower but between the follower and the spring. Turn the magazine upside down and tap it until the follower falls out. Then, keeping your thumb over the top of the magazine, pull out the punch. (Ouch! Maybe use a pad next time.) Note that the spring has a front and back and also a top and bottom.
The spring can then be removed and the magazine cleaned. Reassemble by pressing the spring in (the dowel or pencil again), trapping it with the punch, then inserting the follower, tail first. Once the follower is in position, cushion it with the thumb or a pad, and release the spring.
I kid you not, it is a lot quicker to do than it is to describe.