1911 Bushing Comp

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New member
This was posted by FLOG on my board:
Our company makes a 2in 5port 1911 NM barrel bushing comp. this is great to have and use..just change barrel bushing and away you go..I have never worried about my wife wanting to shoot MY .45's .till now..she want to shoot(MINE) .45 all the time..so I have to get her one for herself...she said the .9mm kicks her more that the BB comp...for..29.95 shipping included.. you can not beat it...only comes in BLUE
After asking for more info he posted:

Prairie River Arms,
1180 N. 6th Street
Princeton,Illinois 61356
I go do all the gun shows for my Uncle,He has been a jobber for the past 35 years for various gun manufactors,, our best selling Barrel Bushing Comp is a 7 port 4 cuts on top and 3 cuts on the bottom,, great comp to have for any 1911,,We stared making the 3 port on top for the Military 25 years ago, when they all had 1911's and were to heavy of kick for the Women, since then I had them come up with the 7 port....Great to have ,Everyone I ever talked to loves it,just change the barrel bushing and your off and running,, If I get mass orders as always I can lower the prices.EMAIL ME with a order say you seen it on PARA- Message Board a 7 port Barrel Bushing Comp is $25.00 SHIPPING INCLUDED

If ya ask real nice, he might do the same deal for you ?

"The Gun from Down Under !"
E-mail hotshot_2000@hotmail.com
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This sounds like a deal too good to pass up. I just e-mailed Prairie River Arms (I've use their products, but didn't know about the comp) and will order a comp, if it'll work with a standard guide rod.

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!
Hey Walter..............
Could you please send me those pics of the comp? I have a Springfield 1911 A1 and Would like to see it before I e-mail and order one. Thanks.

G21, the only one.
1911 A1 another one.
AR15 the long one.
1) Post some pictures here , of the comp.
2) What is the difference between a comp and a ported barrel? What is a comp?
I don't have the facilities to post the pictures. However, I'll try e-mailing them to some of you. The comp, Shortfuse, is a combination barrel bushing and compensator. It only comes in blue; looks matte, in the pic. Has four ports on top; three on bottom.

The compensated Accu-Match .400 Cor-Bon barrel that I use has a screw-on compensator with a threaded barrel. When shooting with a 22# spring, without the comp, I'm throwing brass into the next county. With the comp, and a 20# spring, the brass falls neatly within two or three feet of my G21.

You can go to brownells.com for pictures and information on other brands of bushing-type compensators for 1911's. Most of them are in the $45-$80 range. I figured for $25, I'd give it a try!!

I believe that it's a drop-in; he didn't mention any fitting. Said that it'd fit any standard 1911. (It's 2" long, BTW)

[This message has been edited by WalterGAII (edited November 15, 1999).]
Gentlemen,I don't mean to be a fly in your ointment, but unless you don't plan on shooting alot of rounds through your gun/comps, They should be okay. The bowling pin shooters in my neck of the woods told me to stay away from the bushing comps with a vengenance. They stated that repeated firing with full power loads break the small lugs that engage in the recesses in the slide, and that it also can crack the slides. If you want a comp, but a bushing type comp through Brownells, or another company. Just my two .02$. Good luck and enjoy. DC

Front sight good, Front sight good....
You very well might be right. I don't plan to shoot my Gold Cup much,as I really prefer my compensated (threaded) Glock 21. I'd be surprised if the slide cracked from no more than I plan to fire through, using moderate reloads. I'm curious, as usual: Why would a bushing comp cause any more problems than just a bushing??? Could it be the vertical stress???

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!
Bushing comps, are just cosmetic. they dont work. think about it. the barrel slides through the comp. when the gasses escape they not only go out the ports, but with the bullet through the end of the comp. for a comp to work, the comp has to be screwed on the end of the barrel, and the exit end of the comp has to be the same inner dimension as the barrel, this causes the gassed to be forced out the ports and not the end of the barrel with the bullet.

I shot a g21 comped this weekend, and it was quite impressive. Best shooting glock I 've ever shot

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best

[This message has been edited by 10mmrules (edited November 16, 1999).]
10mmrules is correct. Due to its large internal diameter bushing comps are practically useless. Save your money.
Well they do work if the inside daiameter that the projectile passes through is small enough. ;)
Paraman has just recieved his & here's what he had to say !
I got my Comp from FLOG(Prairie River Arms)and tried it on the LDA and my Alloy 14's...works pretty good...but I only shot about 28rds.(2 mags)through it and about the same number without it and it sure seems to work good for me in that limited test...I'll shoot it some more this weekend!!!

Notice the shiny spot where I had to file a very small bit of material off to get the spring plug to fit past...also note that I should have put some tape on the part I didn't mean to file! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
E-mail hotshot_2000@hotmail.com
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The bushing comps are a marketing gimmick and do not work. The way a comp works is that the expansion chambers in a comp expand the gasses and vent them upwards to bring the muzzle down. they do this by having the hole through the comp being .005-.007 over bullet diameter. With a bushing comp, the hole is the diameter of the barrel, around .580 or .128 in 45acp. That doesn't expand the gas plus the slide/comp moves back around the barrel cutting it off. Not only that but the gas expands out around the sides of the bulletand now is contained inwards because of the bushing comp walls, thus creating a rocket effect backwards giving a little more slide velocity which in some cases equals more recoil.

If they worked at all, then people wouldn't invest hundreds of dollars in conventional compensator systems, they would buy one of these things. They don't because they don't work as well or hardly at all. You get what you pay for.
Hello Brian Bilby and welcome to TFL!
I checked your profile and see you're a pistolsmith. I also checked your homepage. Impressive!

OK folks, the expert has spoken. End of argument.
Since the only real interest I have in my Gold Cup is its prowess as a club, in close-quarters, I'd think that the bushing comp would give me a little more clubbing area, thereby lessening the probability of slide/frame damage. :)

Hey, if I don't like it, I won't use my G.C. any less than I do now. It stays (with its twin) in my safe; my G21 stays with me and gets shot a lot.

[This message has been edited by WalterGAII (edited November 18, 1999).]
Received my Prairie River Arms bushing comp today and did a little testfiring.

Shooting 230gr. fmj, @875fps or so, I initially thought that I noticed more muzzle flip than with the factory bushing. Howver, I've been only shooting my compensated .400 Cor-Bon Accu-Match-equipped G21 lately, so I might just be overreacting to the 1911's handling characteristics.

Accuracy was great. Also, I had no trouble installing the comp. The slide-to-bushing fit was just a little snug, but a couple of turns with fine emery cloth fixed that in a NY second. I didn't have to do anything to get the recoil plug to fit properly.

I'm going to shoot some more, with and without the comp at the same session and will post the results.
Walter, one thing I've been meaning to ask.
Where the barrel goes into the comp, does the hole then reduce in size for the bullet to effectively vent the gases ?
As Brian noted, it wouldn't work if the hole all the way through was the same diamter as the o/d of the barrel.
Had a comped CZ-75 so I do understand how they work. ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
E-mail hotshot_2000@hotmail.com
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I haven't done any measuring, but the hole appears to be the same size through the entire length of the comp. The good news is that fit and function (not making claims about effectiveness, yet) are fine.

I've just ordered a truly-compensated (screw-on) Accu-Match .400 Cor-Bon barrel for my Gold Cup. I will probably shoot a few more .45's through, just to test the comp v. standard bushing, but after the .400 barrel comes, I'll be playing with that for a while.
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