1911 Automatics chambered for the 10mm Cartridge.

Hard Ball

New member
I have been thinking of getting a 10mm automatic (probably because of reading so many of Tamara's posts. I was thinking of getting a 1911A1 pistol chambered for 10mm, but have heard people say that the 1911 action won't stand up to steady use with the 10mm cartridge. Does anyone have any actuak experience with a 10mm 1911?

the Colt Delta Elite or Delta Gold Cups work. You can also ask Art Eatman who has a Delta. I think Robertthe41magnumfan has a Delta, too. I have both. No millions of rounds down range out of my guns, but plenty enough to know the guns can take it. HTH
You can't go wrong with a Delta Elite. They can be picked up at gun shows for around $600. Mine feeds just about everything I put into it without a problem.

It's definitely much more comfortable for me to shoot then the plastic 10 mm ;)
And, since this IS the "General Handgun Forum", might I suggest MY favorite 10MM...the S&W Model 610!!! Yeah, I know...its a "wheelie"...but they go "bang" every time...and recoil is so much MORE PLEASANT out of the 610!!! FWIW....mikey357
Had a brand new Colt 10-40 in my safe, along with some other guns. They belonged to a friend of mine who married a Anti. She would not allow guns in the house. I never shot the pistols! Sold them at Auction Arms over the summer.:( They were pretty to look at sitting in my safe all those years. Have shot others though, including the Colt Delta, Glock 20 and I own a S&W 610.

I've seen new reconditioned Glock 20's with two high caps sell for as low as $480. It is by far the best and least expensive way to go. If you don't like the cartridge, sell the gun and loose little to no money.


Kimber .40s are becoming more common on the market. I bought one and am in the process of converting it to 10mm. I'll hopefully be done in a couple weeks provided all the parts and tools arrive in a timely manner.

Other 1911 10s:

Springfield Omega (long out of production)
Para is rumored to be working on one but not sure I believe it
Delta Elite. Great 1911 style 10mm. Keep in mind, you can get any old 1911 and have a 10mm top end built for it. Just stay away from the AMT Javelinas, they are a nightmare!

I've got a Glock 20, it REALLY shines, I'd go on to say it's the ultimate 10mm since 15rnd high caps are availible and the gun just shoots so well with the low bore axis.

Also, the EAA Witness comes in 10mm, and it's the closest thing to a Bren Ten (the original 10mm) your gonna find; although their quality is a crap shoot.
Delta Elite. I found a NIB gun last year. I've put only ~600 rounds through it so far, but using four different bullets, two different powders and six different mags, I've had no stoppages. Since I've got a bunch of .45's already, I'm starting to think of the 10 as a big .357 rather than a fast .45. 135@1500 and 155@1400 are possible, and they are soft-shooting. 180's or 200's @ 1100-1200 shoot more like the big magnums. Colts from the '90's are oft-maligned, but mine is one of the best-fitted, best-finished production-line guns I've ever seen.