1911 ambi safety question

For years, Brownells carried a Mueschke-type ambi safety with the paddles in the current "teardrop" style as seen on Colt 1991 pistols (and many others). Not extended safeties. Naturally, now that I've decided it's time to buy a couple -- they are discontinued by the manufacturer. Brownells doesn't list them on their web site, and can't get them.

Does anyone know of another source for an ambi safety with a standard, teardrop design?
I have never used the one you are talking about.IIRC,they did not receive good reviews for some reason.I think I was interested because they use the extended,grooved hammer pin rather than the grips to retain the off side,yes?

Just this A.M. I installed a Kimber ambi safety.It uses the extended,grooved hammer pin.
It is of an extended style,but not in the extreme.
I may trim about 3/8 in off the paddle ends and slim them a bit.
g.willikers -- yes, that's the one I'm looking for, and the one shown in the drawings is the one with the "teardrop" paddles (they also had an extended version). I've looked through all the offerings from Brownells, and there's nothing else that's even close. I may have to do as HiBC suggests: buy some kind of extended ambi safety and grind off the extensions into a semblance of the teardrop shape.
Not many safeties extend rearward, at all.
The old King's ambi did, and the Novak does, as does Caspian's. You still won't get anything like a mirror image, if that's important.
I like the Mueschke because of the set up with the interlocking pin to hold the left side.

Brownell's on-line catalog is hard for me to navigate, but if they didn't have it, wouldn't Midway?
Nobody has it. I checked with Brownells -- they said the manufacturer has discontinued it.

Color me sad. Should have bought a couple years ago, when I first saw them. "He who hesitates is lost."
I checked with Brownells -- they said the manufacturer has discontinued it.

Welcome to the world of after market 1911 parts.
Thru the years I would hate to guess how many good quality after market parts have been discontinued.

STI triggers for the Para double stack guns is a good example, I could have sold a 1000 of them if I would have been smart enough to buy them.
At one time I had a 100 in stock and thought I had plenty.
I did not know STI was going to discontinue them, sold all I had and still get e-mails and calls for them on a regular basis.

I could name many other parts that I liked working with and are now a thing of the past.
I have young fellas call me wanting advice on starting in the business of building custom 1911 pistols.
One of the things I always tell them is if you are not going to have your own parts manufactured, then when you find parts you like working with you better buy a lifetime supply before they get discontinued.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Off to Brownells web site to see if they still offer any double stack Para triggers ...

Brownell's still carries a couple of after market triggers for Para double stack guns, I've used those still listed but was not impressed.
Of all the double stack triggers I tried I could get the best fit from the STI trigger, fit is a big issue when dialing triggers down to 1.5 pounds.

As for discontinuing things, I've used Accu-Bore bore cleaner for more years the I can remember, always purchased it by the case thru Brownell's, time to re-order some low and behold it's now discontinued.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
I - think - I have a Dlask trigger for Para. I've installed a couple of Dlask triggers in single stacks, and it was a bear. They look cool, and are very light, but not worth the work.
If you want to see for yourself, and I still have the trigger in my parts box, I'll send it to you.
I got one of the Meuschke ambis earlier this year and loved it. Then I wanted another and ran into the same problem you did.

Availability of 1911 parts has been spotty the last few months; the closest thing anyone actually had in stock was a Sig 1911 replacement part. It is MIM and made in India, but it looked and fit OK, and will do until I find something like the Meuschke that costs less than $100...