1907 Sling Clean Up


New member
I inherited a 1907 sling with the M1903A3 I picked up last month but it's in rough shape. The leather seems to be in good shape but the brass is BADLY corroded. Green corrosion is on all parts of the brass and is really deep in places.

I feel like I have a good foundation for a great sling but got some work ahead of me. What's the best way to clean it up?
I would use a tooth brush with saddle-soap on it and, if the green corrosion proved resistant to that, I would use toothpaste itself on the brass parts. After that, wipe it clean with a damp terry-cloth and let it dry. Next, I would apply some SNO-SEAL with a tooth brush and get it to penetrate by gently warming it with a hair blow-dryer. Finally, with a clean and dry terry-cloth, I would give it a good working over to remove any excess SNO-SEAL. Lacking a blow-dryer, you could hang it overnight near, but not too close, to the woodstove and accomplish the same thing.
It's solvable

That green stuff you are seeing, is called "Verdigris" and I have cleaned it up, more than once. I use mineral spirits. The formation of Verdigris is a natural chemical action between the brass and the chemicals in leather. I know it looks like crap but have never seen it harm the brass. As far as the leather, there are many products that work well for leather. I prefer Pecards over most. Once you get it cleaned up, I think you will be happy with the results. …. :)

A word of caution on the Verdigris, is to be sure and was you hands and throw away all you cleaning material that has some on it. . ……. ;)


Be Safe !!!
I would be very careful.

I had an old sling that was recommended to get saddle soap on it. Its now a quite black one.

It turns out value is not much as it has newer holes punched in it, but the letters and dates you could see are all but gone.

Do a very small area and see how it does before doing the whole thing.
Mineral spirits seem a bit harsh. Even if I was really careful I don't see how I could avoid getting the leather just soaked in it.

For what it's worth the leather appears to be in great shape aside from the areas near where the verdigris is built up.
use some ballistol on it,,,i bet it will clean it up and oil it at the same time,,,,with great results

my .02

On heavy deposites, pick dry

On thing I forgot to add, is to pick as much of the deposits; dry. and then what is left, Wipe with a damp cloth of whatever you like. I use a lot of Q-tips in my gun work. Heavy deposits are like wax and can easily be removed, manually and dry. …... :)

Be Safe !!!