1907 Mauser Gew 98


Hey everyone, I recently obtianed a 1907 Gew 98 and would like some more info, I have already enthralled myself with information on the Gew 98 rifle but have found little information on pre-WWI Gew 98's

some more details:

Waffenfabrik Mauser A-G Oberndorf A/N 1907

It has all of the imperial german markings with the imperial eagle and proof marks on the reciever

Serial Number: 4593 and 1809 which has been crossed out and renumbered to match the rifle. the barrel/Reciever are 4593 and the bolt has been forced matched along with the rest of the hardware on the rifle being 09 to match the lined out bolt - which it looks done by the factory.

it also has a "Roller Coaster" rear sight

can post more pictures on request





Any and all information would be much appriciated!
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Nice looking rifle and welcome to the forums.
Hope you got the rifle without a story to go with it.

I sorta have doubts though that Mauser (the factory that is) would have lined out parts numbers and then re-numbered them to match.

If that rifle had ended up back at their factory it would have been for re-build work, not for re-numbering with parts from another rifle.

(It is pretty rare to have a rifle get damaged and to have only the barreled action survive as on the '4593' gun.
And the stock looks awful nice on the on the '1809' rifle but missing the barreled action?)
We'll never know the story on that.

I'm not saying it could not have happened, just that I've never seen or even read on such a practice at Mauser.

Individual spare parts on hand at the factory, as well as spare parts ordered by and sent to the various State Arsenals
were shipped and stored without a number pending their being fitted (at the Arsenal or Armory level) to a repaired rifle.

Without photos to see the number fonts, its anybody's guess.

Been proved wrong before, always willing to learn though, and looking forward to more photos.

Rifles were rebuilt at depots in Germany, using serviceable parts, and the lining through of numbers was done. Still, no one can ever know when or where that particular rifle was rebuilt and renumbered.

Thanks everyone! All I seen was German mauser and I grabbed it.
The only number lined out is on the bolt also
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Took the rifle apart again to see what else I could find and I dont know how I missed it but here is the picture. the stock matches the 4593
Look at the end of the barrel underside, that's where the proof marks are. If it got officially rebuilt at an arsenal (as compared to a war parts exchange) it should have a crown over R repair mark for a re-proof.