1903 Sling


New member
Goooood morning all!

I recently purchased a Rock Island Armory 1903. I've yet to check the markings (haven't had time with work) but I'm told its a 1905 build and was rebarrelled in 1910, but again, I haven't been able to confirm that just yet. I will try to get pictures and or description of the symbols when I get a chance.

The rifle did not come with a sling, so I am looking for a period correct 1903 sling but am having trouble with some of the research (the google-fu is not strong in this one). Most of what I have located thus far are Springfield slings or unmarked slings from the era. Did Rock Island not make slings for their rifles? If they did, is there any difference between the companies, ie model numbers or design?

Any and all information is helpful. I'm just starting to get into C&R, so I'm still learning reputable places to buy these items.

Thanks. Semper Fi!
Every 1903 I've seen used the M1917 style sling. Some people put the later web sling but the M1917 is closer to the original.

the M1917 style sling can be found anywhere, at a verity of qualities.

I use them on all my surplus rifles which I shoot in the CMP vintage rifle games.

I got mine from amazon and they work quite well.

All leather slings stretch out and need to be replaced.

If you want a wall hanger, find someone with an old stretched out sling. It would look better.

If you are going to shoot it, get new sling and some saddle soap.

I use mine.
1907 sling?
Yeah, if the gun is going to be shot while slung, I'd also recommend the '07.
For display, there must have been a sling adopted with the Krag that was still in use in 1903, if there wasn't a new sling adopted along with the latter?
I have an '07 on my Springfield, on my Garand, and on my Arisaka, and it's not out of place on any of them.
:) If the rifle needed a sling in 1909 and the supply sgt handed the soldier a 1907, the soldier took it.

M1903 sling would also be "correct" if that's what you want. Do what makes you happiest.
Your rifle may have had a Kerr sling on it at some point in it's life, but I think the earliest patent dates on those were 1914. So a Kerr wouldn't be the mostest correctest, but it wouldn't be the wrongest either, unless you put on a short Thompson Kerr.
Most probably that rifle has had many slings on it in it's lifetime. A M1907 sling would no doubt be the most correct and if you want to look around I am sure that a early genuine sling can be found.

While Rock Island may have made slings, there were many contractors that made slings for the government in addition to other US armory's and one of those would be as "correct" as any other. Pre WWII M1907 slings will have brass hooks, during the second world war they switched to iron hooks before adopting the canvas M1 sling.

This is the sling that came on my original 1919 vintage MK1.

Beautiful M1903. Saw a very low serial # one once that was being touted as a "sniper rifle" and I pointed out that it wasn't. The owner wanted $2,000 for it and I told her the going price was closer to $1k (wasn't haggling).
Thank you all for the responses! I've been swamped with work and haven't been able to reply until now. My RIA is a 26000 serial number which I believe makes it a 1905 build.

Still haven't been able to fire out how to post pictures from my phone. Thanks again for all your responses, I got some shopping to do