190,000 Missing Glocks in Iraq


New member
Saw this on the National News this morning, very early.
Twas either CNN or Fox News, as I was channel surfing back and
forth between commercials around 4am PST.

190,000 Glocks ( a G19 was shown ) intended for the Iraqi Police
disappeared, and are now turning up in the hands of the
insurgents. They didn't say if they disappeared while in American
or Iraqi custody.

It was stated that corruption was out of control on all sides.

That's a lotta handguns.
Yeah, and a lot of taxpayer money.

But hey, what's another sixty or seventy million bucks for a few Glocks in the grand scheme of things...
That's perfect.

The NY Times had an article awhile ago about regular folks in Iraq buying guns for protection. They interviewed a middle aged woman who pulled out a new 19 from her purse.

Also, the economy has gone to Hell there. So the underpaid policeman gets a gun worth $800 on the black market and guess what.

It is just a symptom of the disaster in that country.
Looks like it's time to make a parking lot of Iraq, Iran, and what the hell lets throw in Libia. Then maybe Paki and Afgan will wake up and smell the roses. Just my .02 worth. This should resolve the corruption problem. This mess is already making Nam look like a cake walk in comparison.
There was an article elsewhere that secondhand illegal Glocks have been turning up in the UK now. Hmm....wonder where they could be coming from? And with whom?

How many cops do they need in that country? I hope somebody got their numbers wrong. I thought they had all been issued Ruger p95s already?
Looks like it's time to make a parking lot of Iraq, Iran, and what the hell lets throw in Libia. Then maybe Paki and Afgan will wake up and smell the roses. Just my .02 worth. This should resolve the corruption problem. This mess is already making Nam look like a cake walk in comparison.

I hope you're just venting frustration and not being serious. After all did you ever think about how many nuclear armed countries are near your proposed parking lots? That act would breed a whole new generation of "terrorist" out to get us? Why create more enemies?
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Your response got me snooping around a bit further.

5000 Ruger KP95D and 5000 Sig SP2022 pistols were purchased and
delivered to:
U.S. Army Tanks and Automotive Command
Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois
On behalf of the Iraqi Security Forces.

As far as the weapons totals go, here's a quote:
" The U.S. plans to provide arms from a variety of sources, captured,
donated, and purchased for 325,500 ISF personnel. "
" With Glock comprising 79 percent of the pistols ordered "

Some interesting reading I found:

October 28, 2006
Iraq Security Forces
Weapons provided by the United States Department of Defense
using the Iraq Relief and Construction Fund

The above report has 30 pages of info with facts,figures,amounts,totals
etc., that is worth checking out.

Anyways, the report lists, that as of that date of issue...138,813 Glocks
had been purchased. That was a year ago, so figure some more have
been bought since then to replace ones that have disappeared.
One only need to cast

a jaundiced eye towards the swamps of Moyock, NC and perhaps there will be answers to the missing Glocks:(
Yeah, and a lot of taxpayer money.

But hey, what's another sixty or seventy million bucks for a few Glocks in the grand scheme of things...

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but really compared to the overall cost of our operations there this isn't particularly significant.

As for the idea that they're ending up in insurgent hands...well, firearms didn't seem exactly hard to come by over there anyway. There's the omnipresent AK-47 (every farmer seems to have one), and handguns aren't exactly rare either. The only difference between these and the handguns I generally saw in Iraqi hands is that they're of obviously higher quality.

Also, considering the relatively lax (especially compared to us) controls the Iraqi forces applied to their firearms (again, just from what I saw), this is unsurprising. The actual number is a little high, but the idea that firearms are falling off of the back of Iraqi Army or Iraqi Police trucks? Color me shocked.

This probably maxes out at a 4 or 5 on my WTF-O-Meter(TM), once it's calibrated for Iraq. Because seriously, they're on their own scale over there.
What can Brown do for you?


A hundred and ninety thousand is a rather staggering number - there's only what, about 350,000 Iraqi soldiers and police total?
Yep...like I said....

some corrupt "contractor" type needed to supplement his already miserable daily salary and diverted these Glocks to theTaliban/Al qaida:mad: