19 states need your help

I have some significant disagreements with his advice. Remember, he gives you his personal opinion - as I would give you mine. Rather than accepting personal opinions, I strongly recommend you find a competent, certified attorney who will advise you according to your needs and to help you make your decisions.

A few hundred bucks up front beats a few hundred days incarceration.
I'm with Dennis. Remember, this guy keeps pointing out that carrying in Illinois is a felony offense. Then he advises bribing a police officer if you are caught. I don't like the legal ramifications of that either.

It would be far better to try to change the laws, then start carrying.
Not for Kozinski, it wouldn't!

And please, he did not advise attempting to bribe the officer, though he did not adequately clarify it's true. He suggested asking if there was some way we could settle this right here. Then once the officer comes up with a plan to do that, go along with it.

Yeah, we'd love to try to prosecute such an officer, but my understanding is that in Chicago if you try that you are going to jail and he's gonna get a good laugh out of it, so this guy's advice ain't that bad. Depends on how scared you are of your neighbors.
Hmmm. If shaking down citizens becomes profitable, some people will spend money to become cops! Hmmm, again. Sounds like most politicians. :D


Please, let's not start a harangue about me calling all cops dirty. I don't believe that, I'm not saying that.

But if the law is bad, it should be changed.
If the government refuses to change bad laws, we should change our government.
If there are dirty cops, the good cops should hang 'em.

And somewhere along the line, we need to rein in our governments.

How you decide to fight the law is your business. If you decide to defy the law, you must be prepared physically, emotionally, and financially to pay the consequences.

I recommend we simply change the law. If our representatives won't change it, then we should change representatives. It is not only the 19 states that need our help, it is our entire nation. Let's get to it. The coming elections are our initial step to prove whether we are citizens or subjects.

PS. If y'all come to Texas, I strongly recommend you don't ask a state trooper if there is "some way to settle this here and now."

A fellow from "up North" was stopped for speeding by Trooper Carl Davis. The speeder handed Carl a driver's license and proof of insurance. Between the two was a hundred dollar bill.

Carl: "What's this?"
Speeder: "Nothing."
Carl: "Take this back before I arrest you for trying to bribe an officer."
Speeder (incredulous): "Really? But this is what we DO in Chicago!"
Carl: "Sir, you are not in Chicago. You're in Texas."
Speeder looks at his wife: "Wow! They've got honest cops here!"

The speeder and Carl then had a rather extended and very friendly conversation apparently amazing each other comparing what each considered their local customs.

Oh, yes, the speeder got the ticket.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited September 19, 1999).]
"He suggested asking if there was some way we could settle this right here."

Steve Bucelmi(sp?) tried that in "Fargo" and look what happened! [g]
This guy worries me, too. I also live in Illinois and I know my Chicago friends always talk about how crooked the cops are there, but I don't think I'd care to try it. They're talking about speeding tickets, not felony weapons charges.
Besides, down here (I'm from the Springfield area) they don't care if they arrest you or not, they still get to keep what they take. Twice in the last ten years or so the Springfield city evidence rooms have been inventoried and come up short. I think the first time it happened they were short several hundred thousands of dollars worth of stuff--gone into cops' basements and attics and their kids' braces, most likely.
The worst part is that the sheeple who have lots of funny stories about the crooked Chicago police force see nothing wrong with those same cops being the only ones armed . . .
I am from Chicago, and I can tell you alot of stories about abusive police officers. I would imagine they are everywhere. There are alot of good ones out there too. I dont agree with bribing a police officer either, I agree with what Dennis said, we need to change these laws here.
Hi all,been lurking for quit awhile,looking for a place to jump in.I also live in Illinios (Bloomington). Concealed carry in this state faces to big obsticles, Mayor Daleys (sp?) Chicago political machine and his comrad, Gov.George Ryan and his cronies.The Illinios State Rifle Assoc. fights hard for concealed carry but can't get past those two hurdles You can legally carry concealed on your own property or in your home or abode and I do so regularly. Once you step onto the street you become a sheep again.
I should add, however, that I've gained a lot of respect for the Attorney General's office. I emailed for info on knife laws. They replied that they are barred by law from giving legal advice to citizens, "However, I personally would interpret . . ." followed by 3 pages of legal advice. I can't take it to court but they could have just said "sorry."