1895 Spanish Mauser


New member
Just wondering. I came across a 1895 Span Mauser for about $600. Nice shape and all. Just wondering though, is this carbine considered C&R? Antique. Is there really a difference? And if so, if an antique, does one still have to go thru all the regular paperwork to purchase it? :confused::o
The date of manufacture is the date on the receiver ring.
If it is before 1899, it is an antique.

By federal law there is a big difference. An antique is not governed by federal law, it has the same legal standing to the feds as a muzzleloader.
In other words, no paperwork is required to buy an antique gun.

Local laws vary quite a bit. New Jersey law is tougher than federal law, and does regulate the sale of a rifle that by federal law is antique.