1895 Mauser Chileno, cal. 7 x 57 question


I recently purchased an 1895 Chileno Mauser, cal. 7 x 57, from Gander Mountain. It is in original condition and in pretty good shape. It is packed with Cosmoline and I am looking forward to cleaning it, but I cannot figue out how to get the two barrell bands off. Can anyone help?

Harry in Central PA
I cannot remember without looking at mine, I have a photo of mine but cannot see the other side so I am not sure. Is there a little steel bar right behind the bands? If so you just push those down then while doing that you then can use something blunt that will not mare the rifle and push the bands forwarded moving them off.

Thanks everyone for you help. After receiving the info from this group, I set about my task and still couldn't get it apart. I contacted a very young, new gunsmith in a surrounding town that uses the Mauser bolts in some of his custom guns and he, his Dad and I were finally able to get the bands off. We had done everything all of you had told us but it still took the 3 of us to get it apart. It was so crammed full of Cosmoline that we felt that the seal was just so tight it wouldn't come apart. I have been working on it since this morning and it is coming clean as a whistle. The serial #'s don't match so it's probably not worth a fortune, but I certainly am enjoying it. I have also been reading about the history of the Mauser guns. Thanks again for all your help.
Chilean Mauser

What a beauty! Cherish that gun. Chileans aint that common and 7 mm Mausers shoot real fine all day and are pleasant to shoot.

Let me suggest: take it into a BLACK plastic trash bag and set her in the sun in the bag draining g into a downhill gravel driveway all day

Unless you are in a location where you dont hafta worry about some creep stealing it. Grab yer favorite book and a six pack cooler and watch it from the comfort of your shady retreat as the heat melts the cosmoline to more treatable levels.

BE REEL careful with the wood. Cosmo wont hurt it, nor will the next step as long as you omit water-bourne degreaser (like Purple magic)

Stand the rifle up in a 5 gallon plastic bucket and merely brush FUEL OIL or Kerosene on the metal parts, invert and repeat if necessary.

Aerosol brake cleaner can be used once the rifle is almost free of cosmoline

Apply 1 drop KROIL to each screw and take inside to attempt disassembly the next day

I have done hundreds of cruddy guns and some I have even used low pressure steam to de-goo (a BMG)

Does heat bring oil out of the wood, or could this be cosmoline from years ago?:confused:
Only bought the LE #4 a week ago, but did not notice it during two previous times on warm days. My LE #5 has not had this shine or feel on the upper wood.

After shooting about twelve rounds in about ten minutes (80-85* outside) this PM, could see and feel the layer of oily stuff on the upper hand guard, just forward of the action, but I only rub light oil on the metal parts on any gun.
Have never noticed this shine on wood before.

What are the main uses of Kroil, or just for loosening metal parts?
I can't recall how I removed the barrel bands from my gun. I think they have a spring that runs alongside and perpendicular to the barrel band. If so just push it down with something that won't scratch it and slide the barrel band forward.

They do come off. When it does you'll note that the blueing underneath the wood is wonderful deep blue.

My rifle has a mint bore and shoots wonderfully. They also have very nice two stage triggers. While being cock on close, which is a little strange at first they are fine guns and great deer guns. They are identical to the 93 Spanish Mauser that the Spanish used to give our troops a very bad time at Kettle Hill in the Spanish/American War. The Boers used them in the Boer War in South Africa and gave the British fits causing them to change out the Lee Medford to the Lee Enfield so it could be rapidly reloaded. While a plain looking gun at first glance; they are really fine weapons. Get the bayonet if you can, they look neat with the knife afixed.

Being striper clip reloaded gave soldiers using the flat shoot 7mm Mauser a huge advantage over the single loaded Krag and BP Lee Medford. It caused us to cashier the Krag for the .03 Springfield and the SMLE was adopted by the Brits.

You have a fine and historical rifle. You will be amazed how well it shoots. It'll group nearly MOA. Might shoot a bit high however, as the battle sight zero is 400 yards as I recall. I haven't shot mine for years.
As I recall we used gasoline to remove cosmoline in the military. Don't smoke however. I think turpentine works too. Can you still buy that stuff?

If you have a stain in the wood, I'm afraid you are stuck with it. Some of those Chilean Mausers come with beautifully figured wood.
If you have dings and stains that you want to remove take the metal off of the wood and get your wive's steam iron. Go outside. Get a bucket of water and an old wash clothe.

Then dunk the wash clothe into the bucket, get it soaking. Fold it in two and lay it on the stock. Then apply the iron to the wet wrag and cause it to force steam into the wood. Do it several times, take your time.

It'll raise those dings and soak out some of the stains. Let the stock dry. You will be amazed at how old and even deep scars are gone. I usually don't sand them afterwards because I want them to remain original looking. I might rub a green fiber scrubber a little, but don't over sand. You can apply a bit of linseed oil of you want, but that stuff will eventually turn the stock black. You don't want to make the stock shine like a fancy gun. What you've got there is a military weapon and that's what it should look like.