1863 springfield

Not sure of rifling yet, the bore is VERY dirty, I did throw a patch puller down it, flashlight showed something at the bottom, was just some old paper bits.
Wasn’t sure if cleaning the barrel at least would affect any kind of value, never been around a firearm this old before
Actual bead, I’ll take a couple pic in a few
No ram rod either unfortunately....

pic link at the top
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Barrel length for a 61 Springfield is 40 inches minus the tang so it's been cut. The stock has been cut down and most likely the rifling has been reamed out. It's also been aggressively cleaned. Value is around 300 bucks and you might have to wait awhile to get that from somebody that wants a war date lock.
Wow! Aggressively cleaned? It is all grimed and dirty... do you mean the wear down of the lock sides and the barrel? Sorry, don’t mean to be stupid about it.
My brother doesn’t care of the value, wants to clean it up some and make a wall hanging center piece of some kind.

Thanks Hawg!
The original Springfield came in the white (no bluing at all).
I'm just seeing the original naturally-aged (tho' neglected) steel.

...and yes, someone soldered a bead on as a sight
The original Springfield came in the white (no bluing at all).
I'm just seeing the original naturally-aged (tho' neglected) steel.

...and yes, someone soldered a bead on as a sight

Looks like it has been cleaned at some point to me but with all that's been done to it it won't matter.
