1863 Springfield, Value/story ??? !!!


New member
At one of our local Iowa gun shows, there was a woman walking around, carrying an 1863 Sringfield percussion, with mounted bayonet. Being a bit curious, I asked her if it was an orignal. She said; I believe it is. I don't want to sell it and if I knew it's worth? I looked it over and determined that it was an original. The bore was rifled and it was a bit rough. .... :confused:

HER STORY ?? !!!
Stated that while remodeling the old homewstead, they tore out a wall and behind the wall, they found seven (7) of these, complete with bayonets. I don't know the lady but have to take her word for that. Stated that she was the executor of the estate and each rifle would be distributed to her siblings. Brought this representation to try and determine it's value. One dealer, offered her $50.00 for it and said that it was not legal for her to own as it was a military rifle. .... :mad:

I told her that the dealer, who is one of her neighbors, was full of crap. Gave her my estimate and made a more reasonable offer. Again, she stated that it was not for sale and just looking for a value. I then suggested she go on line, where and what to search for. Mechanically it was sound, the wood was fair and there was "minor" pitting on the outside.

If you would, give me your best SWAG-range. .... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
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Pahoo - doesn't it always amaze you how many people are out there ready to pounce on someone and take advantage of them? I've seen it many times in my 50 + years of collecting and it makes me mad each time. Some folks probably just can't help themselves . . .

Interesting story . . . makes you wonder how all of it came about. Glad you set her straight and now she can take it from there.

My family had a lumberyard and over the years, I had many contractors who were in to pick things up tell me that they were remodeling an old house and when they opened up a wall - the things they found. One guy found a number of tools between studs - levels, framing squares, hammers, etc. Another one found a quantity of old tin-types.

Interesting story - thanks for sharing! :)
Without seeing the gun or seeing good pictures, it is nearly impossible to give any kind of reasonable appraisal. I would say that a range of value for a standard Model 1863 in anything better than relic condition would be $900-3000. Obviously, that is quite a range, but those guns show up in every condition from horrible to near new, and the prices reflect that. Also, those are retail prices; they are what a dealer will sell a gun for and what a collector might pay. A dealer will give her less, but hopefully there are honest dealers who would pay more than the price offered by that crook you mentioned.
