1860 Conversion


Couple years ago, R&D annouced they were introducing a cartridge conversion for the 1860 Colt. I sent in a 1860 frame and barrel assembly at that time for gated loading port and ejector work. Apparently they had problems with making the conversion units and called me right after they got mine. A later E-mail said it would be a few more months. I havn't heard anything about it since. They have my 1860 frame and bbl. assembly and repeated E-mails to have it returned go unanswered and I can't get a live person on the phone. Has anyone else had this kind of problem with them? I have 4 of their conversion units for 51's and 58's, that I got from Midway. I have no problems with their conversion units, just can't get a response from them on my problem..... Tenasaw
Haven't heard of such problems. Kenny Howell is very well regarded in his field. Good luck on getting your sixgun back, hopefully successfully converted to metallic cartridges!

BTW, Do you have Dennis Adler's book on cartridge conversions?
1860 converson

Yep, picked it up last year, almost dog-eared now. Actually sketched a holster on page 109 (tucked flap) and had a fellow make a holster like it for one of my Texas Pattersons. Tenasaw
R&D Conversion

I also had problems with R&D I sent them my new 1851 Colt for conversion in Feb of 2002 6-weeks later they said it was done and to send the final payment. 4-weeks later and no gun, I called & talked to Diane Howell she said it was a mistake as the gun was not done and that the gun would ship in 4-weeks. Well 2-months went by and I called again got the same from Diane that it would be done in 2-months. This went on for many months.Tried to call again but the phone was disconnected, finally located their new unlisted number called Diane and said "send my gun back along with my complete payment". She said that they had no money to refund me but the gun would be done in 2-months. well 2-months gone by and I called again. Diane said Kenny was working on the revolver as we spoke and I would have it in several weeks. Several months went buy and no revolver so I called again and the phone number was disconnected. I called the Beloit County Attorny to report a fraud claim and was told that an amount of $1000.00 was not enough to be considered fraud.
I called the Sheriff to report the theft of my gun and money and he said that before he would do that he had to make a trip to R&D and see them first. Kenny & Diane was not there but a relation was and she let them the Deputy In. He found stacks & stacks of revolvers on the shelfs and mine in parts in a corner of a desk. The Deputy got the current phone number and gave it to me. After a tense phone call Diane said I would have my revolver and a check in 2-weeks. God almighty I finnaly got the refund but my new Colt was destroyed and shipped back in several zip-lock bags. This sorry saga went on for 4-YEARS
Well Bro thats a sad story.:mad::mad::mad:
I would like to meet these ***% holes
and introduce them to a buddy of mine,
OH is name is a big old club.:mad: