1858 Remington Barrel question


New member
I have a really nice Uberti, 8" barreled '58 NA Rem. in .44 caliber I got for a wedding anniversary gift from my wife back in '03. I still have the invoice in the original box, and with shipping back then, the cost was $183 bucks (from Midway). I don't shoot it much at all, but from time to time I just take it out of the drawer and mess with it because it's such a nice piece. I usually have it in my lap when watching, "Gettysburg." I do need to blow the cobwebs out one of these days...

I don't know a whole lot about perc. revolvers, but I do know this piece I have is a wonderful thing. Everything on it, mechanically speaking, when cocking it is nice, crisp and solid. The timing, lock-up and trigger pull, out of the box, is superb. Yup, it shoots really well, too. There's one thing though, and it's the barrel alignment. It looks as though it needs to be turned to the right just shy of a 16th of an inch; very little, indeed. Everyone I've shown and pointed this out to, agrees with what I just mentioned here as far as the alignment thing.


My question is, does this barrel have left or right hand threads? Seems obvious that truing up the barrel to the frame correctly would be either tightening or loosening the threads. If tightening (right hand), would this cause a concern with the forcing cone and cylinder gap? The gap at present is very slight, and I haven't done any measurement with a feeler guage. Again, it hasn't been shot much at all; less than 100 times for sure. I know I could just bump the front sight dovetail to bring it center, but it still bugs me that it's out of alignment. When I sight down the barrel, I always see it, and only because I know it's there. Most anyone else probably wouldn't even notice.

And, if it's threaded left-hand, it would be loosening the threads a bit. Maybe not enough to matter, but was wondering nonetheless. "Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey" is in question for me on this one. If and when I actually do address the issue, I'd have my go-to gunsmith guy do the work. Yeah, I suppose I could just ask him what I'm askin ya'll, but maybe there's somebody else out in TFL black-powder country and wondering the same thing. I do appreciate any comments here.

Thanks a bunch
Don't even think of turning the barrel, the front sight is going to get screwed up! The less barrel cylinder gap the better like .003, larger only sends out more fouling. With tight gap it helps if you slightly take off the "knife sharp" edge on the forcing cone. You are lucky not to have gotten a sloppy one!
Funny how a guy tries to reason things out, and then tries to fix something that really ain't broke, eh? When I shot the pistol last (and it's been a while), I had it rested on a sandbag and shot for a group at 25 yds. The pistol grouped pretty well, especially for me not being a pistol shot, and I was happy with it. It did shoot to the left maybe a couple of inches (more or less, can't remember), and the elevation was spot on holding a 6 o'clk. and full sight. I thought I'd just bump the front sight in the dovetail and be done with it. That's when I noticed the alignment thing.

So, instead of bumping the front sight, I shot some more. But on these next shots, I held the front blade right up against the right edge of the sight slot on the frame for my sight picture. The gun shot center, and did it consistently. I should just bump the front sight and call it good, no?

Another thing about this pistol, is that it indexes perfectly so that the loading lever and ram plunger matches and fits perfectly in each cylinder chamber on cocking each time around (I guess they all do that, or should for certain). And loading on half-cock is the same; perfect line-up. The gun really is a good one (from what I know about it). I also can imagine that if the barrel is turned on the frame, even that sight amount, it could screw up that cylinder/rammer alignment. That would not be a good thing. There certainly is a good reason why that front sight blade sits in a dovetail, too. Especially on my Uberti.
The Ubertis have dovetailed front sights and are easily corrected for windage. Put the barrel in a well padded vise and using a brass drift punch tap the sight over to line it up with where the bullet is hitting. If the gun shoots to the right you tap the sight over to the right. The formula for sight correction is (all units in inches):

correction at the target/distance to target (in inches)=correction of the sight/sight radius

e.g., the gun shoots 2" to the right at 20 yards. Convert to inches. i.e. the gun shoots 2" to the right at (20X36) 720 inches.
2/720=x/sight radius (distance from front sight to rear sight = 9" on my Uberti).
2/720=x/9 Solve for X Sight correction = .025" tapped over to the right.
So smack it over 2-3 hundredths and take it out and shoot it and see if it is on zero. Keep in mind how firmly you grip the gun can make a big difference in point of impact.
I certainly do appreciate the comments. Through the years of my shooting times, I've messed with enough open sighted firearms to bring a sight picture to align with a bore without too much fuss. I've even cut a few dovetails with hacksaw and tri-cornered file on m.l. barrels on guns I've built. I just can't remember having a firearm where I noticed a barrel alignment concern that started this thread. I think I'll just bump the front sight to where the pistol shoots plum, and leave it be. I'm still a bit curious though, is that barrel threaded on with left or right-handed threads? No big deal, just wondering. Time to watch "Gettysburg" again... and shoot the Uberti.

One last thing; did the '58 "NEW ARMY" Remington model come on the scene too late to be used at Gettysburg?
One last thing; did the '58 "NEW ARMY" Remington model come on the scene too late to be used at Gettysburg?

Yeah a little bit late. Remington didn't get the contract for the 63's until July 6th, three days after Gettysburg but I'm sure there were some Beals and 61's there.

Seems I read something about that a long time ago, just couldn't recollect proper. Thanks for the affirm.