1851 spare parts?


New member
Recently acquired a Pietta 1851 Navy. My current favorite shooter. What are recommended spare parts to have? Currently have an extra hand, bolt/trigger spring. Should I also own an extra wedge?
IMO no.
Not unless it's loose or you want insurance in case you might lose it.
IMO it's not a part worth ordering and paying a separate shipping charge for.
If you were placing a parts order and already paying for shipping then perhaps.
Notice that the Pietta parts kit linked below doesn't include screws or nipples.

Screws can sometimes get boogered depending on the fit of your screw drivers.

Here are the items that are included in a Pietta factory parts kit. --->>> https://www.emf-company.com/store/pc/Pietta-Parts-Kits-c369.htm

At Taylors, an 1851 screw set costs $27.50: --->>> https://www.taylorsfirearms.com/accessories/parts/pietta-parts/1851-navy-screw-kit-pietta.html

But screws can also be ordered separately: --->>> https://www.taylorsfirearms.com/pietta-1851-navy-parts.html
Hands are not a drop in fit. While you have a good one you might want to take the time to match the new one to it.
Thank you

Thanks for your time and advice fellas. This cap and ball shooting is so fun. Always go through at least 8 cylinder loads each outing while working on getting good with one-handed duelist style. That's why I'm wondering about spare parts.

My 14yr old grand daughter prefers the smoke and sparks hog leg over new fangled semi-autos and is a darn good shot to boot. Low recoil when black powder shooting is a plus with younger or novice shooters.