18 U.S.C. 922 (g)(5)(B)


New member
Getting ready to pull the trigger on a supressor (I think the YHM Wraith), and I noticed a form in the packet I got from BATF regarding certifying my citizenship, to whit a "Certification of Compliance" with the above-mentioned statute. It requires the signature of a person certifying my citizenship.
Who can this be? Can my wife sign it? Does it have to be a LEO? Does it have to be notarized? :confused:
It's all very vague. It seems to me with all the other very serious protocols involved with a Class III purchase it has to be a pretty official signature, but it just doesn't say on the form.
Advice? Thanks in advance.
Seriously? On the one hand, thand sounds in keeping with beaurocratic nonsense, but I'm having a hard time believing it's that simple. It might be amusing to have one of our local panhandlers sign it, I guess....:rolleyes:
Wow. That's FUBAR. Forgive me if I'm still skeptical, all due respect to a Senior Member. I gotta figure you know wherereof you speak, but that just cracks me up. ;)
Well, roll me in powdered sugar and call me a jelly doughnut. Wish I could'a done my own fingerprints and notarized it myself too. ;)