17 years here at The Firing Line!


You've seen some changes in that time, haven't you.

What would you say is the most profound change/shift/innovation in fieryarms trends since you've joined?


17 years isn't really all that long ago in terms of firearms technology and trends.
We're pretty much using the same kind of stuff as we were then.
Now, if we go back a bit further, say 25 years, things start to get more impressive.
The popularity of the wonder nines, polymer frames, new calibers, the rise of the ARs and Aks, inline muzzle loaders, progressive presses.
Probably the biggest changes in the last 17 years have been the proliferation of the low cost bolt action rifles with excellent accuracy.
Just about every major manufacturer has discovered how to make $400 guns that rival the best of just a few years earlier.
Now, that's amazing.
And buying over the internet and these forums.
That's a big, big Wow, right there.
Just about unimaginable 17 years ago.
Trends over the past seventeen years? Wow. I'd have to say I have noticed a lot of folks going in big time for AR's. A very versatile rifle. I'd have to say I miss the 99 dollar specials for 1000 rounds of 7.62x39. Have noticed a definite move away from revolvers to semi-auto for self defense. I do believe that there is still a large number of shooters, especially seasoned ones, who appreciate the beauty and reliability of revolvers!

I remember S&W stock at 2 dollars and change. I'd have to say the advancement in optics and sights available to shooters has really changed the game for shooters. Iron sights seem to be going the way of the dinosaur.

You really don't see many shooting 30-06 any more.

I came over here after the debacle at shooters.com. A great many people from that site found a home here.I remember this site being on hiatus. I am so glad it is still here.

I'd be curious to know what other shooters who have been here a long time think about the changes!

I joined shortly after you did. I remember your screen name and in doing a quick search, found a post where I responded to you regarding C&R license.

I did end up getting mine, I hope you did too without much trouble.

I remember when TFL went on hiatus and everyone moved over to the The High Road.

Strange though, I went for about 10 years where I never went on a gun forum and only shot a little. About 4 years ago I started to shoot more, etc. and was restoring an old .22 rifle and looking up cold bluing. One of the google results brought me to TFL and I started to think about how familiar it looked. So, I started to remember this place and searched my username, and it all came back to me. Not sure how I forgot about this place and others but it's nice to be back even if I usually read a lot more than I post.
Wow, it has been a long time. I was living in a travel trailer and had dial up internet. Now I'm in a house and have cable. Still don't have enough guns though:)
Hey Hoppy!

It's funny you mention the Curio and Relic license. I just got my renewed license today! I am still on the High Road as well.
Another one from shooters, do not miss having to wait for the dial up to connect to it. Also at high Road and S&W, after they started.

Been through a lot of shortages, still like the 1911 and 44 special. Biggest change have seen is the increased accuracy of stock rifles and ammo.
Damn.. I'm quick rolling up on 12 years. Getting too old too fast.

I have rounded up a nice pile of toys in the meantime, a great wife, and (finally) had a kid that is way more fun than this impatient old guy would have ever imagined.
I own guns, and a 4yr old girl owns me. :)

I will admit to wasting far too much time squabbling around here with people who are long gone... read more, talk less, learn without burning time.

Who has been here longer than Hal?
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Yup! Seventeen years and change for me as well. Was sad when the site semi-shut down and only discovered it was back up by accident while researching for something. Probably don't post as much as I read though. Just glad it's up and running.

"You really don't see many shooting 30-06 any more."

That' because people just don't admit to the fact they still use it. Might be called old bogeys or something. Guess that makes me one as I used one on an elk two years ago. guess what? They still work just as good now as they did back then. Maybe ever better. :eek:
Paul B.
Hmmm--things that have changed since Oct 1998.....

$125.00 Glock Hi Cap magazines/insane prices on all >10 round magazines.

"For Law Enforcement and Military Use Only" stamped on magazines.

The term Hi cap vs the term normal capacity.

The term - pre-ban, referring to the 1994 ban.

The Sig 220 was all the rage. People were paying ridiculous prices for one.

Rosie O was the target of a lot of bad feelings over her attack on Tom Selleck. That happened in May of 1999, but it's still close to the beginning.

John Lott was a huge topic of discussion with his book More Guns Less Crime

The big "competition" in the early days for online places for gun people to go:

- Shooters
- Tactical Forums
- AR15.com
- Glock Talk

& the real biggie for the first 6 months - - -Gunforums.com owned by Earl Stewert of Central Florida Knife & Tool.
Gunforums.com launched on about the same day.