.17 savage misfires


New member
I went shooting yesterday with my savage 17 caliber and was using Hornaday 17 grain VMax ammunition. I probably had five misfires out of a box of 50. A couple I was able to put back in and they would fire the second time. Could there be something wrong with the firing pin in the rifle? I can't imagine that they would have that many bad bullets.
Some causes for the need for a second strike are:
High primers that get seated on the first strike, but need another one to fire..
Rifle not going completely into battery for numerous reasons.
Dirty firing pin parts and channel and/or weak striker spring.
Same for the trigger-hammer/striker parts impairing the action.
Might start with just a very good cleaning of internals and chamber.
I'm guessing 17HMR? I like the Hornady V-Max never had a FTF both my rifles are 93R17's I agree maybe a cleaning and light lube, especially clean the chamber and bolt. But don't lube chamber, had to fix that after I read my post.
Senior moment.
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I've probably shot more than a thousand rounds of 17 hmr, hornady 17 grain v-max has been the vast majority. Never had a failure to fire, I've found them to be very accurate and reliable.

It's possible a bad lot happened if its never happened before, you could try and obtain another box from that lot if you can find any and some from a different lot. See if a pattern emerges.

Did they look like they had a good primer strike on them after the ftf?
What's it do with other brands?
Isn't likely the firing pin since 45 out of the 50 went bang.
The fact that it goes bang with the second hit usually indicates poor priming in a rimfire. Rimfire ammo can just be like that sometimes. Has to do with Hornady's QC.
What did the firing pins strikes look like on the cartridges that did not fire? If they looked good it is probably an ammunition issue, if not it is a mechanical one.
A couple years ago I purchased one for my son. Had 2 or 3 misfires per 10 rounds. Changed firing pins with my 17 I purchased 6 or 7 years ago and problem went away. Talked to savage and ordered a new firing pin, problem solved. I see they also have a heavier firing pin spring. To install yourself they send you a form to sign off on and you are good to go.
Mine misfired from new. I called Savage they wanted the gun back.They agreed to just sending the bolt to them if that didn't work I said I'd send the gun.Had it back quickly haven't had a missfire since.Lot easier to send the bolt than the whole gun.It not that uncommon of a problem or at least it wasn't a couple years ago.
Savage 17 misfires

I had the same problem. Switched to a Ruger American and had no more problems. I tried 2 Savages and both had misfires.
Just shot the neighbors Marlin 17 HMR I like it better than my Savage.But I'am a southpaw and prefer left hand bolts that why I bought the Savage.My problems with misfires seem fixed but my chamber has to be spotless or I will have extraction problems that's not rare in the Savages.