.17 HMR rat bullet preference question?


New member
It must be really boring when a grown man spends his time off sitting at the barn shooting rodents. I find Hornady and CCI both usually blow them to smithereens but for some reason the CCI sometimes passes through without expanding, making the cleanup easier.

What is your preference for .17 HMR bullets? (Hornady makes the red tipped ones and CCI makes the little hollow points.)
I was 7 for 8 shots today on some very surprised ground squirrel. with .17 HMR

I use the Fed. Prem. BT. The ballistic tip--BT. seem to do a tighter group than the Hollow Point.
Those surprised ground squirrel that laid in the bed of my truck in a Bag.
Now (fairly smelly) I hung on a small low tree. just before sunset.
Where I got some major Coyote traffic/tracks scoped out the past couple days..... :D
I WILL be there very early and stealth on in to take a peek.
Dinged a rock squirrel this morning at 125 yds in a fairly strong breeze. I've used both the Hornady and the CCI, both kill, but the Hornady is more destructive.

BTW, four inches into the wind worked pretty well this morning.
.17 HMR. what luxury...
i use a .177 air rifle for rodents because its quiet. ive also pulled some 80 meter shots with my rifle. good guess work i suppose