16 Gauge Mystery


Dear fal308, John & All,
I have another question just posted on my message board. This one I hope will be a bit more interesting than the last as far as the quality of the weapon. Here is the note:
"I have a shotgun that was brought home after WW1, and was still packed in grease when I got it. Its a 16 gauge, double barrel side by side, with silver triggers, short narrow carved stock with wood grain lenghtwise and around the stock. On the left barrel is possibly "Leon Gathoye Leege Fournisseur" on the right barrel is possibly "EE SAR MGR Prince Albert D.E.Belginte" any info would be greatly appreciated"
I would really appreciate your opinions on this one. I thank you for your help on the last question I posted and thank you in advance for your help on this one.
Sincerely, Blake
Maybe I can help a little.

The markings appear to mean that Leon Gathoye of Liege (Belgium) is furnisher of guns to SAR (Son Altesse Royale-His Royal Highness) ??? Prince Albert of the Belgians. This is equivalent to the English "By Appointment, Gun Maker to HRH The Prince of Wales" or some such. I don't think it means the gun was actually made for the Prince, only that the maker held a royal "warrant" (again using the English term). Prince Albert is probably the man who was King Albert of Belgium during WWI. If so, the gun would have been made before he became King.

Regardless, any gun by such a maker would be of excellent quality. Unfortunately, I have no sources that mention that name, and no way to set a value. If the marking is hard to read, it may be something else. Perhaps someone else can help.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited October 29, 1999).]
What Jim said sounds good to me. The "warrant" was/still is good advertising. I don't have any listing of makers names either . There were probably a couple dozen small shops set up during the heyday of Belgian armsmaking during the last century. These shops set up sort of a collective, this is the Liege that is so often referred to. Liege was basically the headquaters of the Belgian arms industry. Using some of the information from our previous postings you may be able to somewhat date the weapon. If you're still not sure, post the markings and I'll look through my books and try to help.
Sounds like you get some interesting pieces coming through your board. Is it a general antique board or do you specialize? Just curious.
Dear Jim & fal308,
Thank you for the great information. I'll see if the questioner can find anymore marks on the shotgun.
The message board I am a Moderator for is the message board for the Treasures in Your Home telvison show and the Collector's Channel. It is open to all and is a general board with lots of topics. Come on over and check it out. http://collectorsweb.com/mb.shtml John Hunter is a member and he gave me the URL to this board.
Yours, Blake

[This message has been edited by blake7 (edited October 30, 1999).]