16 Gauge COACH???


Local LGS has a 16 gauge Stevens 311 coach gun in great shape. Very cool.

But it's a 16.

I know there's some 16 gauge buckshot loads out there, but seriously?? A 16 gauge COACH GUN!?!?!?

Do you guys think this is cool, or is it whack? He want a little over $300 for it. Should I get it??
Back in my high school days, I hunted dove and quail with 16 ga hammer guns and drillings.

It is a good performer.

Of course I load my own.
If it is a 311, it is not a "coach gun" because it has no hammers. Just being cut down does not make it a coach gun, it just makes the pattern crappy. Parts are available, no problem. They made the 311 for 50 years.
Buy another used Stevens 311 that doesn't have the barrels sawed off and consequently has the chokes removed. My late best friend used a 311 on everything that flies for 40 years and never had a problem.
What Scorch says is true, the gun is a 311 that has cut down barrels.

It is not a coach gun. The LGS will say anything to sell that dog.
My Dad always used a 16 gauge back in the 60s. I inherited a single shot 16 a few years ago along with a 20 gauge. I sold them a while back because I knew I would never shoot them again because I prefer my 2 12 gauge pumps. I sent to buy some shells for the 16 and found there is very little available and they cost more. The 20 was better but not nearly as good as a 12. I think the 20 is safe for many years but I think the 16 will continue to fall out of favor and less and less ammo will be available for it.

I might give $300 dollars for a Sav 311 that was NOT cut, but not for a hack job. BAck when the 311 was popular ( a lot of my pals as kids hunted with 311's, and my dad had a 311/16 as a bunny gun for awhile) there were not alot of short doubles, coach guns or not, to be had, but a lot of 311's. Wacking the barrel off one was pretty common. I've seen several mangled that way.

In addition to loosing any use as a hunter, the lopped off double, or any shotgun for that matter so chopped, creates a real potential in a criminal or civil proceeding after a shoot.

"Yes, ladies and gentleman (or your Honor), the defendant used a sawed off shotgun, a weapon specially modified to make it more deadly, to shoot and maim my poor client. Why, if it were just "X" inches shorter, it would be illegal to own without a special permit, and prohibited for common ownership since the gangster days."
I have an older Pioneer, made by Felix Sarasketa, hammer short double barrel 12 gauge coach gun.

It is pretty much a useless shotgun in my opinion. Although, I must say it looks cool as all get out in my gun case. Once you cock those hammers, you had better shoot it or be very careful trying to let down the hammers.
I learned how to hunt with Stevens 311 (and Fox) SxS. They were reliable as heck and tough as nails. I still have several 311s and hunt birds with mine all the time. Mine are decades old as in 50 tears plus and they have never broken or worn out. I would much rather have an old Stevens in good shape than a new Stoeger or such. not that Stoegers are not worth what you pay. I recently paid $350 for a 20 gauge and am pleased as heck. Others may not have paid that much but just like them. In case you are wondering I also have modern O&Us semi-autos, etc., some are higher end but there's just something about hunting quail with SxS from the past that can't be beat.
My Father was restoring his old 311 16Ga and had the barrels re-blued in a hot tank. They warped so badly you could shoot around corners. Rather than relegate it to a wall hanger I chopped said barrel to 18+. It now makes a very effective weapon at 15 yards with #1 buck. I saved an otherwise worthless 311.