158 gr sub sonic?


Anyone out there have an idea of the loading data that spec war uses for there 158 gr 9mm subsonic ammo. Thanks Jamie:D
Nav Specwarfare

Jamie: The Navy SOCOM as well as Army Special Forces use plain old Commercial Off The Self (COTS) ammo. Nothing special as one might think. The NAVY has GSA Schedules and Naval Contracts for ammo manufacturers/distributors. When they get crates of the stuff in, it may be packaged in something 'military' looking, but in all actuality it's the same stuff you buy at "Bill's Sporting Goods" just devoid of the pretty box. It's all crappy, ball, ammo.

Snipers either use their own custom loads or Black Hills Brand ammo.

There are custom rounds out there, and that load data and use is generally held in a classified status. It's best that the conversations relating to, stays put.

Military Police and your Adverage Sentury use full ball. There are rumors of units using things other than ball ammo... it's just that. rumors. Very seldom do military units use anything else. The Geneva Convention doesn't allow the use of special ammo. Under most cases, the use of such in combat could constitute war crimes....

Any reloading manual will give you the load data you desire. Its all the same accross the board.
SUb-sonic ammo

I forgot to add... The Subsonics are also COTS. In the MP5's we used Standard loads (the MP5 shoots the high-velocity round, making it subsonic via a series of holes in the base of the barrel).... We sometimes used subs in our pistols (when we actually used the 9mm round, most of the time we carried the .45). Some prefered to use 9mm subs against guards and dogs, and point-to-point work, but I and many others used the .22LR.

Do a google search for 9mm sub-sonic, and you've got what the military uses. Nothing exotic. I promise. It's rather disapointing but true.