15 to get Medal of Freedom

Not a single one of those twerps deserves anything but a swift kick in the nads.

An enviroweenie Senator. The commander of the Kosovo misadventure. An economist from the Sixties. Dan Moynihan. Jesse Jackson, fer cripe's sake!

Who the hell came up with this list?

If I had to pick candidates for the MoF, they'd be Ron Paul, Jeff Cooper, and Rich Lucibella ;).
More election year nonsense. What a crock.

I don't understand General Clark and Admiral Crowe though. Sounds like thier "contributrions" were from thier military service. Why give them a civilian medal?
They give Nobel (peace AND science) prizes off of a toilet roll of them saying "please take one".

Why shouldn't this be any different.

"Simon Wiesenthal, a Nazi concentration camp survivor, has devoted his life to finding evidence to prosecute Nazi war criminals." Just as an example, if you please, would someone care to explain the objection to Mr. Wiesenthal? Thank you. John
I Don't know much about Simon, but Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sen. John Chafee, Marian Wright Edelman, George McGovern, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, these people are/were freedom grabbers.

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