Mikul - what Ben said! He gave a good explanation of the weight vs velocity theory.
I am relying on lots of discussions, opinions, suggestions and some very basic physics knowlwdge. Since there has never been a scientific study of bullet effectiveness - one that lines up a few hundred "volunteers" to be shot and disected, what the heck do we have to go on.
I believe there should be serious consideration taken to bullet weight vs barrel length. Oh yeah, here's another dimension to consider - distance of a shooting. If you're talking about CCW, it's doubtful thet you'll be shooting a BG at 30 yards away (you better hope not for the jury's sake...) so even a lighter bullet with a very high velocity at close range, where most CCW shootings take place, is going to kick maximum ass due to the velocity.
Funny thing, last week my father-in-law asked me what ammo to shoot in his P5 Compact 9mm. He had just purchased a box of Federal Hydra-shok 135 grain and I told him due to the very short barrel, ~3.1", that he should be shooting the 115 grain load. Guess he didn't like my opiniuon because he made some comment like "well I guess I'll take these back since they'll just barely be falling out the end of the barrel...". Guess he didn't get the point.
GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!