1200 Yard shot at 1 gallon water jug


New member
Hows it going everyone, this morning I went out to do a little long range shooting. Today was the first time in 2 weeks to have calm winds, so I've been waiting quite a while now to get out there. So I set a 1 gallon water jug 1200 yards away. I Took about 6 shots in total with the 338 lapua before I saw the jug fall over, the first two were sighters. To my surprise I hit the darn thing twice! Didn't really think I would hit it.

1200 Yard Shot
Looks like fun and at least you're honest about it. A lot of people would have claimed to hit it 10 out of 10 times.
Awesome Job.Congrats. My first video to prove to the wife i need one of those :D Have been pestering her for 2 years now
Definitely 4Runnerman! Make sure she knows you NEED one, not want one! I plan to get one of those cheap $50 HD camera's to use as a target cam. My regular camera is running out of balls.
Can you tell us how you sighted in to that distance? or what your zero is?
That kind of target -VS- the cost of the ammo, even reloading, you could put a couple more jugs down range, Ayee :) then put them on something, it would be unfair to take one out with a low shot.
But I too congradulate you, my longest shooting is only 1/2 that distance and then only with standard Deer rifle M77 .270Win.
Sure Gbro! First of all I have my rifle zeroed for 100 yards. Then I used the gps to confirm the 1200 yard range (GPS accurate to about 10ft on a good day). I have an older smart phone that I picked up on ebay for about $10 and download a free ballistic program called Balcalc for it. It is pretty accurate when comparing to other known good online ballistic calculators. the programs are pretty good for elevation and wind adjustments, but most do not account for spin drift or Coriolis effect. when shooting real far those are some things to consider. So After dialing in the adjustments I take shot and quickly get back on the scope to see the impact to make further adjustments.
Thanks grizz,
I have only shot 600 yds at known range but will have to give my GPS a new mission!
I like to dial in for the distance using the ballistic tables and a sheet of freezer paper.
The pic is how i set up my 200 yard target.

I have used Olhlers BEX program in the past but am not able to run it on the new computers as its an old DOS program. I had an old 486 laptop just for gun use but it has since died and so have all the GOOD old dos programs, :(

Anyway my 140 gr. SST with a .495 BC will be about 16.5" high @200 when zero'ed @500 So i just walk my hit's up on the freezer paper.
Then FFE :)


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