12:00 AM


New member
Just got in off the porch with the shotgun. It sounded like the first day of small game season 50 years ago. Is shooting at twelve on New Years Eve a PA hillbilly thing, or does it carry over to other states? Been that way since I am old enough to remember.
Happy new year to everyone with "triggers" that work!:D

Edit: Couldn't help it. I'm baby sitting my beautiful, wonderful six month old grand daughter. Probably the best New Year's eve I've every experienced. Her other grandfather is a retired bench rest competitor and her grandfather's brother has a collection I can't ( and should not) describe!:)
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Just got in off the porch with the shotgun. It sounded like the first day of small game season 50 years ago. Is shooting at twelve on New Years Eve a PA hillbilly thing, or does it carry over to other states? Been that way since I am old enough to remember.

Not a common or safe practice.
Remember what goes up must come down somewhere.
So unless you have a real large ranch not a good idea.

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I've never done it, but I've lived "in town" most of my life. But when I was a kid back in the 50 and 60's people used to do it all the time. 99% of what got shot around here back then were shotguns, so shooting one up in the air wasn't a big safety concern. Birdshot doesn't carry far, and the pellets are light. I can't swear to everyone using birdshot, but it makes sense. They were cheaper than buckshot.
It's the thing to do here in SE Missouri. That and apparently blow up tannerite at midnight. (Thank you for that my oh so caring neighbors.)

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Every year in Columbus, they have an ad campaign to discourage it, but it's still common. A number of people have been hurt over the years.
No sure around here, cant tell versus the fireworks. I do know my house cleaners husband has shot his mosin into the air on midnight, I politely tried to convince him not to but he is convinced its fine.

I once found a .45 slug in a roof I was replacing un New Jersey, hardly broke though the second layer of comp shingles so its not much of a worry but I would still discourage anyone from doing it with anything besides birdshot.
The bottom line is it's a stupid Bubba thing to do. Oh, and considering there's usually some ethanol involved, needlessly dangerous. Some people need to grow up.
yeah, some here, woke me up again this year. kinda makes me pucker and worry about my roof but dont think i heard any impacts.
Big thing with the Hispanics in the Rio Grand Valley. Every year the McAllen TX tv station puts out notices against shooting in the sky on New Years eve. :)
Folks fire off stuff here on New Years Eve every year. It's one of my favorite traditions. Tell me again how those bullets I fire into the ground can land on folks. I'm missing something here.
Tell me again how those bullets I fire into the ground can land on folks. I'm missing something here.
Most are firing into the air, not the ground. I wouldn't say discharging into the ground randomly in my area is very safe, especially at night. Quite a few rocks in the soil along with chunks of concrete right below the surface. Not incredibly dangerous, but I wouldn't wantonly do it either.
It's not a thing we hillbillys here in the mountains of Virginia do. We grew up poor and shooting to make noise was a waste. You shot a shotgun only to kill something to eat or to dispose of predators. They still think I am stupid to waste money on target practice. You had a shotgun or 22 rifle and seldom found someone with a handgun because shooting a handgun seldom got us anything to eat.

My Dad was an expert machine gunner and rifle marksman in World War II and I never saw him shoot a gun without hitting his target.