11-87s and 1100s

David Wile

New member
I was reading the thread on the 1100s dropping in price at Wal-Mart, and, with some of the posts, I got the idea that the 11-87 was somewhat personna non grata. Did I miss the barn by 8 yards on this, or is there a real disinterest in the 11-87? I have had an 11-87 in 12 ga. for about seven or eight years I guess, and I thought it was a great gun. It shoots light loads and heavy loads without a hitch. Well, actually it only shoots them for about 500 or so rounds, at which point it gets so dirty I have to take it apart and clean it. I bought the 11-87 because I thought the 1100 was a lot more picky about the ammo it preferred to use. Am I missing something here?

Thanks much,
Dave Wile
The only difference between the 1100 and the 11-87, I think, is that the 11-87 has a gas port that allows it to shoot light target loads or "mag" loads, whereas the 1100 only functions well with "mag" loads. But I know lots of people with 1100's and only a few with the 11-87's so ???
Trap Skeet and Sporting Clays shooters prefer the 1100 over the 11-87. Seems that quality control on the 11-87s left something to be desired. They have a reputation as problem guns that may or may not be deserved.

Go to a Skeet or Trap shoot and see how many 11-87s you can find, they are almost nonexistent among serious shooters. Of course, you will not find many Mossbergs or Winchesters (Other than Mod 12 and Super X) either. Shooters who shoot a lot usually gravitate to the guns that will hold up and not give problems.

The most common Autos are the 1100 and Beretta 390/391.

Just my observation, take it for what it is worth:)

Geoff Ross
When the 11-87s came out,early ones had problems with the trigger groups, occassional feed failures and a few other probs.Most of these were soon rectified, but a rep for trouble still hangs over the 11-87.

OTOH, the autos,Like Geoff said, are moreor less split between the 1100 and the Beretta 300 series, and the folks with the 390 and 391 series seem quite satisfied.

And lots of the 1100 folks have used them with lighter loads. 1 oz, 2 3/4 dram reloads are popular with the senior shooters I hang with.

With any of the gas guns, regular and correct cleaning and PM are mandatory. Over on Shotgun Report, they say that an 1100 will break down after 35,000 rounds or so, but that replacement of the O rings and some parts will extend that indefinitely.

BTW, those folks over there KNOW shotguns, and they are unenthused about the 11-87.
I have been happy with my 11-87 Police. It has been a great shotgun and seems to be very rugged. Of course I have been shooting a regular 1100 for 15+ years so I know how to take care of them.
I own 3 1100s, in 28ga ,410 bore & 20ga. I had a 12 ga but felt it kicked too hard so I bought an 11-87. sold it soon after tho because it was too heavy and it just did'nt fit me like my 1100. the guy I sold it to still curses me every time he takes it to the field, but he still owns it!!!
Hey folks,

Thanks for the comments. I really like my 11-87. Like I said before, I shoot that thing till it stops functioning before I clean it, but it will shoot twenty boxes or more before it starts to complain. And it will shoot and function with anthing I want to feed it. Like most autos, it seems to eat the recoil so much that it is easy to shoot. At the shooting clubs around my home area. it seems to me that most sporting clays folks use the O/U than the autos. But when I see autos, I do not see too many 11-87s.

Thanks again,
Dave Wile
I just picked up my third 1100 last fall. Its a 12 ga. Upland Special NIB. I've had my first 1100 since I was 12 and have never experienced a failure to cycle using any type of load, high or low brass.

The first shotgun I ever shot was an 1100. It belonged to the instructor of my Hunter Safety course. The course ended with a session of trap and he let me use his since I had no shotgun. I was the only student to break all the targets and I've been a fan of the 1100 ever since.
I started trap shooting in January and I'd never owned a shotgun previously. A fellow at the club let me shoot his 1100 for about my third round ever and I shot a 19. I bought it the next week.

At the time, there was a lot of discussion about what kind of gun to buy, new shooter, etc. I was going to settle on a less expensive pump gun but I am very glad I bought this 1100 because I have shot 7-8 rounds of trap with it in a day without any shoulder fatigue from the recoil. I've also averaged 22-23 with the gun since then.

One comment I remember hearing from the older shooters was that the 1100 was a better gun than the 11-87, but I could never really get a good reason why. The only real definitive difference I heard between the two models is that the gas tube on the 11-87 is stainless, which would seem to be a better design to me, but that's just hearsay.

The only problems I've had with it have been due to my early experiments in handloading. It just doesn't shoot a good pattern when you forget to put powder in the shell! Otherwise, it is the one gun I own that I can honestly say I have got the most use out of.

Check Six
My hunch is that it's more personal preference than the superiority of either over the other. In either case, regular and proper maintenance are mandatory to keep them perking along.

With both being popular, it's but a matter of time before various users research what each model needs and the market adjusts to fill it. And IMO, most of this will not come from Remington,but from users and aftermarket vendors. A few ideas from the top of my head would include.....

Carbon fiber bbls with a stepped steel liner that would give the same weight and balance as a 26" bbl(or whatever you desire) but be up to 36" long for the 27 yard handicap trapshooters. And as long as we're adding aftermarket bbls, let's do the forcing cones right,say about 2" long,and HIGHLY polished to reduce buildup.

Gas system parts of high tech materials, like O rings that last much longer.

Steel trigger housings to add weight near the balance point.

Titanium parts for areas far from the balance point.Titanium choke tubes, anyone? And, for those addicted to faster than ever lock times, titanium firing pins,etc.Add a titanium trigger made wider than standard for the Shoe effect.

Bbl weights that duplicate the thread of the mag cap, so one can "Tune" the balance and swing to their own liking, or change it for different games or game. Add a coupla oz under the bbl for doves, remove same for a quail hunt.These were available for small bore 1100s from Remington once upon a time.

Got an idea the 11-87 will develop into an outstanding field and waterfowl shotgun, and the 1100 will continue as a classic target gun.Both are decent, both have special needs....
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Hey Dave,

I just saw your last post, and I have to tell you that you are far more serious about your shotguns than I. Considering your mention of carbon fiber barrels, stepped steel liners, forcing cones and all the other stuff, I feel a bit like a clod. To tell the truth though, if you gave me one of those two or three thousand dollar guns to use, I bet I still would not hit more than thirty in sporting clays. I do hit more with my auto than I do with my pumps though, but I still like my Ithaca pumps, too.

Thanks again folks,
Dave Wile
I LOVE Remington 1100 shotguns.

The below info only refers to 12 gauge guns. I don't know about all the other style and calibers that they were available in. This is just generally speaking.

The 1100 used to come in two flavors. The regular 2 3/4" chamber gun would shoot ANY 2 3/4" shells. The Magnum was chambered for 2 3/4" and 3" shells. It would NOT function reliably with light 2 3/4" loads.
The 11-87 was chambered for 2 3/4" and 3" shells and is SUPPOSED to function with ALL loads due to it's new self-compensating gas system. (It usually does, too).

I've had three 1100s and one 11-87. I sold the 11-87 only because I had a chance to make some money on the deal, and the 2 3/4" 1100s do everthing I want my shotguns to do.

I have never had an O-ring break and have only replaced one on an older 1100 that I was having refinished. (The gunsmith talked me into it.)
Dave W, thanks but I was just exterpolating a few ideas, none perfectly original with me.

Some decades ago, Winchester came out with a semi auto with a fiberglass wrapped bbl, choke tubes, etc. Called the Model 59, it weighed 6 1/2 lbs and is still revered in some circles for upland hunting. With the introduction of wrapped bbls for rifles, the time may be right for some shotgun bbls made that way.

Titanium parts are the latest fad with some folks in the Designer race gun games, and the bennies of same have been known to engineers since NASA started for uses other than firearms.

All that aside, my shotguns of choice are 870s.
I cannot comment on the 11-87, but for me, the 1100 did everything I needed it to do(a little trap, a little skeet, a little upland game bird). There was never a need for me to "upgrade"
