11-87 vs 1100?

Charles Johnson

New member
This is my first post in the shotgun forum. I have recently shot skeet with borrowed shotguns. I had such a blast, I am ready to seriously take up shotguns. It is so cool to be able to spend an entire weekend at the range. I have plenty to do between shotguns, pistols, and rifles :).

I'm looking to get the softest shooting 20 guage autoloader I can for my wife so she can participate in the clay games as well. The guy at my local gun shop told me I shouldn't get the 11-87 and that I'd be better off getting the 1100. I trusted his recommendation so I didn't ask why he didn't like the 11-87. I've been searching through here and it seems that the 11-87 is well though of. So what are the differences between the 11-87 and 1100?

I have searched here and I have't found a direct comparison between the two. Also, Remington's site doesn't seem to describe the guns very well.
I can only tell you what I've read in the literature. The 1100 is a lovely piece, it's drawback being the rapid burning out of o-ring seals @ the gas ports. The result is a single-shot gun until the burned out o-rings are replaced. I remember reading that 1100-equipped GIs in Vietnam were issued little bagfuls of o-rings to take with them into the jungle just in case...

I've never read of the 11-87 having that problem...
Not sure, but I would imagine that the 1100 would be better with light loads. The 12 GA 11-87s had a reputation for needing a bit more gas than the "loss leader" shells provided.

The O ring is not much of a problem. I have two 1100s and have had to change the O rings only every 5 years or so.

1100 burning up "O" rings?

That is the first time I have heard that about the 1100. It may have been true back then but is very questionable info today.

I have owned/shot the same 1100 for 15+ years now and I have replaced the o ring once or twice. And that was only because I am the kind of guy who will replace small parts like that even before they show any signs of failure. I have used this same SG (with some barrel and parts changing) to shoot everything from skeet/trap to hunting and combat shotgun matches. I may not put as many rounds through it as trap shooter would but it has seen its fair share.

The 1100 and the 11-87 are almost identical in the way they are made and function. The only difference is that the 11-87 has a gas regulating system in it that lets it shoot lighter loads and 3" mags. The 1100 had two modles available, the regular version and the 3" mag version. They all use the same basic gass system including the rubber ) rings.

Basically what it comes down to for you is if you want/need to shoot anything more than regular type target shells. If you never plan on hunting with it and don't need to shoot 3" mag shells, the 20 ga. will suit your needs.
most people reccomend the 1100 in the 20 gauge since you used to be able to get the 20 in the 12 auge frame and it is noticeably heavier, hence less felt recoil.

i have a friend who has 2 three digit serial number 1100's which his son used to captain the all american skeet team 7 or eight times, they have hunted with them extensively, they shoot flyers, point being , they have been shot a lot more than most people shoot, they both have the original gas rings and function flawlessly. you do not shoot flyers with a gun that is not going to function, there are no alibis and a lot of money at stake and both the father and the son are great pigeon shots, can shoot any gun they want.
i think the gas rings are not a major problem with the 1100.
I recently bought an older 1100 and I can't say enough about the gun. It handles great, fits me well, and is laid out for trap.

The fellows down at the club steered me in the way of the 1100 vs the 11-87, mainly because they were more used to the older model I suspect. However, I did pick up that the 11-87 has a stainless gas tube while the 1100's is just steel.

As far as reliability goes, I shot two rounds of trap with it before I bought it which is only 50 rounds without any problems. The guy I bought it from explained the whole o-ring issue but he said it's every long while. I shot a 14/25 and a 19/25 for my second and third time shooting trap ever, and with a "new" gun, on the day I test fired this one. I bought it this past weekend and shot a 23/25 on one of the four rounds, my fifth ever! Very easy to shoot, no recoil (12 gauge by the way) and it seems to fit me well.

The only drawback is now I have to find a skeet barrel for this gun. But, this is a drawback I can live with.

My (longwinded) thoughts, hope it helps.

La perte des armes est la fin de la liberte.
The 1100 and the 11-87 use the same system of o-rings. The 11-87 barrel has a gas system that is set up to shoot heavier loads. The 1100 is more of a target gun. For light shooting either will do but the 1100 is better with target loads in my experience.

Another option is the Beretta A391. In 20 gauge they are light and soft shooting.
Good news about the 1100, then...my brother just got one and got thoroughly depressed when I told him about the "o-ring thing..." He'll be glad to hear it's old/erroneous news.
I won't comment on the 11-87 vs. 1100 thing, but I will say if you get a 20ga get one that has a 3" chamber. IMO a 3" 20ga is the hot ticket for upland birds. Throws lead like a 2 3/4" 12ga but carries 1 - 2 lbs lighter. For clays it probably don't matter, but for bird hunting that 3" chamber is nice. -- Kernel

[Edited by Kernel on 02-16-2001 at 11:16 AM]
i know them both, here i refer to ricky and his dad.

pax probally has some old 1100 stories, he did shoot the first 400x400 shot with a set of 1100's in american skeet.
For your wife's needs, go with the 1100. I am not a fan of either based upon what I have seen in duck blinds. But, for target use they are fine. Your wife wil like the 1100 for the reasons posted above and you will like the fact that it is lower priced than a comparable 11-87.
Thanks for all the info. My wife shot a 12 GA 1100 on Saturday and had no problems with the recoil. The semi auto action made a huge difference for her. We were using Winchester Xtra Light #9. After she shot the 1100, we went directly to look at the 11-87 and Beretta 390.

As it turns out, she loved the feel of the 390 (lighter weight). We had previously eliminated the 390 because she had to stretch to reach the fore end. Since my gun shop (the Gun Gallery) says they will cut the stock and fit it to her with factory quality, we decided to order a new Beretta 391, 26" barrel in 12 gauge :cool:. If the lighter weight on the 391 increases felt recoil too much, we'll try a recoil-padded vest. I can't wait until this weekend, the new Beretta should be in Thursday and we'll get it fitted to her Thursday or Friday :D. We've got another shooting intensive weekend planned :).

Also, our buddies at the Gun Gallery will give us some instruction at the local gun club, on a reserved range. I love this gun shop. I am very happy, and even relieved, to order from them instead of Wal-Mart. We have had pretty pathetic customer service at Wal-Mart. The salespeople at Wal-Mart (3 different stores) were all very pushy and not very helpful. We had put an 11-87 on layaway, and the guy that 'helped' us there went way overboard picking on my wife about how she must have done something in the past that would make her fail the background check. She didn't tell me about how much it bothered her until later. I should have said something, but I was so stupidly excited it went right over my head. And they have the stupidest rules (I assume these are Wal-Mart self-imposed rules). They won't sell ammo after 9pm, they won't let you buy ammo for a gun at the same time you buy that gun, and they won't even let you take the trigger lock off to get a proper feel for the gun.

This last rule is what made our decision easy. When I asked her why she couldn't take the lock off, she said she could be fined $10,000 :rolleyes:. When I asked who would fine her, she said the government. She didn't know why the govt. wouldn't fine the Gun Gallery or Sports Authority. I could be wrong, but this sounds ridiculous. I don't think I'll ever consider buying any firearms from Wal-Mart again.
Charles: While this situation just happened to you, it really applies to any person who has ever been treated badly while trying to buy something. This kind of innappropriate behavior from a sales clerk is inexcusable, even at Wal-Mart. Depending on how peeved you are, a good idea would be to write to the store manager explaining why you'll NEVER BUY ANYTHING FROM WAL-MART AGAIN. Being a retailer, this type of letter tends to get my attention. If your really peeved you could also send a copy to the HQ in Bentonvill, AR. I have been a retailer for a long time, and have found that letters are very effective in changing the behavior of otherwise irresponsible clerks. The squeky wheel truly does get the grease. Try it, you may be surprised at the response you get.

--Mike From Iowa