10mm versus 357 magnum for Deer Hunting


New member
I am brand new to TFL and have been thinking about switching from my current deer hunting pistol (6" *&* Model 586 in .357 magnum) to possibly the (6" *&* Model 610 in 10 mm). The only reason why I am thinking this is because I currently own a Taurus PT-140 in .40 S&W as my carry gun and thought that the 10 mm may be a better round for deer hunting. I currently reload for the .38/.357 and the .40/10mm so I can maximize the 10 mm out of the N-frame M-610.

Has anyone hunted deer with both rounds and have any suggestions for me.



By the way, I am not looking to get rid of my 586, it has too sweet of a trigger!!!
In order for the 357 Magnum to perform at the level of a 10mm cartridge, it has to be at pressures beyond 40000 CUP and that performance will only come from strong N frames (or stronger). The L frame (586/686) is rated under the 40000 CUP level. And even at those high pressure levels (40000+ CUP), the 10mm is still a better performer (by a very minimal margin). Where the Ten really shines is in the gun itself. The 610 is built like a tank! Recoil is minimal, accuracy is unrivaled and durability is mute. Gun is totally over engineered for this cartridge. Biggest advantage I can give to the 610 is cost. A comparably equipped 627 cost hundred more, because they are exclusives from the Performance Center. Great guns with lots of custom features, but the 610 is just better bang for the buck.

10mm for deer

I have not shot deer with a .357, but I have shot 3 with a 610. VERY satisfied with the results. None of my shots were much over 40 yds, I "long loaded" 10mm to a COAL of 1.4" and used 200 gr XTPs & Accurate Arms #9. The 610 is it.
I shot one good sized Mich. deer years ago with my Python and was very impressed at how it dropped like a sack of potatoes. Having now shot much more 10mm the 357mag, I think the 10mm would be more then adequate for close range shooting.

ps: If I every go hunting in the hill country of Texas again, I will use my Glock 10mm over my 7-08 rifle. 7-08 was way overkill for the size of deer I shot.
For those of us who don't handload...

Cor-Bon's .357 hunting load ballistics are pretty dang good:

They also load 10mm hunting loads, way down towards the bottom of this page:

The ballistics of the 200 grain loads for each are dang near identical. Quite interesting. I assume that in .357 these pressures are in the 40,000 ballpark or less? If so they could be shot out of a GP100 or L-Frame, right?

If I was picking either 10mm or .357 as a woods/hunting gun, and factory loads such as these were what I was going to pack, the .357 might have a small nod because I can score .38spl target wadcutters, LRN or other modest velocity stuff for small game without spoiling meat in a survival situation. .357/.38 "ammo flexibility" is far beyond where the .40/10mm family is.

On the other hand, I'm not a handloader so I couldn't say whether or not the 10mm could be loaded hotter.

In the 610 the 10mm "can be" a better deer round (suggest nuclear 180-200g XTP-HP), but if auto-only recommend the 180g JHP / GP100 route.