10mm Express!


New member
Anybody else here about this?

While at the grocery last night I saw an article in Guns magazine about the new 10mm Express. It was developed by ACE Custom guns and Texas Ammunition, the same folks that brought us the .45 Super.:cool: The article said the 10mm Express is hotter than the original Norma 10mm ammo. Way:cool:!

The gun in the article was built using a Caspian frame and slide. I want one!:D
10mm "Express"


You might also want to check out the thread, "10mm Express write-up" posted on The 10Ring over on GlockTalk. It got a number of responses - pro & con.
Okay lets run this one off at the pass shall we. There is NO new cartridge called 10mm Express! It`s the same old 10mm we know and love, loaded not to ultra hot levels but simply to full power. Georgia Arms, Proload and Corbon have been selling loads of comparable power levels for years. 10mmExpress is no more a new cartridge than GA`s 10mm Shear Power or Corbon`s 10mm Penetrators. Texas Ammo is just using clever marketing to push their product and Jan Libourel, well let me say I`m VERY DISAPPOINTED in him for misleading everyone who read that trash he calls an article. They even claim to do conversions on 1911s and G20s, from 10mm to...well...um...10mm. :rolleyes: I was planning to pick some of this stuff up when it came out but after this fit of dishonest advertising I`ll give my money to Corbon,GA and Proload. Marcus
I have been shooting 200 gr. XTP's @ 1,275 fps out of my Glock 20 for over two years now. Nothing new in that article.
Corbon`s 180gr.JSP at 1320fps. is great fun too. Ditto their 180gr.JHP at 1300fps. (not a cataloged load BTW. :( ). Marcus
So, after hearing for years that the 10mm:

1. Has too much recoil.
2. Overpenetrates.
3. Tears up pistols.

Someone finally figured out that the solution to all these problems was to load it hotter?

Man! I wish I had thought of that...

Well...you can`t believe everything you hear. :)
There are always 2 or more ways to look at things such as:

1)Some guys are just girley men. :D

2)If you`re shooting bunnies with 200gr.FMJ 10mm yes it will overpenetrate. If you`re shooting deer with 135gr.JHP Sierras at 1450fps. the opposite is true. Just takes a little common sense and a brain to debunk that one. :rolleyes:

3)Have you seen any pistols torn up by it? Neither have most other folks. Most 10mms are undersprung, for those that are worried a $7 Wolff recoil spring will take care of it. Think about it,what do they do to make .45 Super guns hold up? Stiffer recoil spring,no biggie. Marcus

Actually I have a couple of 10mms and love them. I just get a kick out of the idea that someone is hyping a hotrodded 10mm after we've heard for years that it is too powerful for it's own good.
That`s easy. What`s the most powerfull cartridge that fits in a reasonably sized,carryable gun and is still controlable enough for self defense use? Others rounds that answer the same question might be .45 Super,.357 Magnum,.400 Corbon etc. Gee that wasn`t so hard. ;) Marcus