10mm Ammo Problem...HELP!


New member
Hey everyone,

I have a STRANGE ammo problem that I've never experienced before.

The magazine that came with my new 10mm EAA Witness will hold 10 rounds of Winchester Silvertip if I make my thumb real sore, and 9 rounds easily (that's not the strange part).

Strange part is, I went to load it with some PMC ammo and I could BARELY put 7 in. Puzzled, I emptied it and reloaded it with DIFFERENT rounds from the same PMC box. That time I could only get 6 in. Worried that my mag had gone fruity, I emptied it and dumped some silvertips in...9 dropped in no sweat, as usual. I repeated the drill several times, always with the same results.

So...why is this happening? And more important, what ammo (esp. hollowpoint) is more/less likely to have this problem?

that sounds like a variation in overall length of the ammo. There may be a couple of rounds that are too long and causing the magazine to bind. Try measuring the OAL of some different loads and see if there is a big difference in the PMC.
CB, I've got the 100% definitive answer for you !
Just yesterday I noticed that 10mm PMC cases are approx. 3/64ths LONGER than Winchester cases :(
As singleshot also deduced the correct problem, I'd say there's your answer in a nut shell :)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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If you look very carefully at your magazine, the EAA 10mm's have two types, one with extra wings on the feed lips (current design) and one with out these extra wings, which is the older design and looks more like a conventional 1911 magazine.

The current design will hold 10 rnds of silvertips with no problem, the older design only holds 9 easily, well without breaking the weld on the side.

I wrote eaa about this and they send my query on to Tanfolgio and he confirmed these facts.

If you want 10 rnds of silvertips, either wear in your old mags, or order some new ones. By the way the new ones seem more reliable.

your fellow 10mm friend
i wonder if this was the specific reason that the Witness was delayed when it was reintroduced to N. America in 1998. could the older mags have gotten into the system? it seems so...i'll have to check my mag when i get my Witness 10mm home. i'll have to talk to EAA directly when i order 2 more mags for the gun it seems.


<A HREF="http://"http://marina.fortunecity.com/harbour/347/10mm.html"" TARGET=_blank>my 10mm page</A>

I know personally of TWO 10mm's that 'blowed up' using PMC factory ammo. Don't know why, though.

Both shooters no longer use PMC ammo. Go figure.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"