101 Uses for a Glock :)

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101 Uses for a Glock

1. Substitute handle for your car jack
2. Boomerang (won't come back :( )
3. Impress chicks (NOT!)

And #4 is ...
Egad!! 34 observations and the only post is a serious one!!!! :)

OK, I'll buy that. My Glock 30 certainly fits that bill. I hereby desert the Forces of Light and come to the Dark Side!

101 Uses for a Kimber...
Perforarate innocent civilians in DC (not that there is that many innocent civilians in DC).

Raise the blood pressure of glockaphiles with legitimate (or illegimate) criticism of said firearm.

Help the makers of aftermarket barrels (particularly .40 S&W) show a profit.

Help police administrators look good by finding really low bids.

Make the BATF look like dummies with $1.25 plastic adjustable sights and fake thumb rests.
#78 Pack your lunch for work in the "Box" :)

#87 Hammer

#35 Meat Tenderizer! (steak)

#36 Money pit

#45 Bonding agent for Father/Son, Mother/Dauther

#46 A reason to go out on a weeknight.

#47 Belt Accessory

#48 Hand warmer (best if shot rapidly first)

#49 Gift

#50 Christmas tree decor ;)

That would either violate safety rules or indicate that you are not very attached to your own body parts...besides, could we keep the humor above Beavis level?
By George, I think Phillip's got it! This thread was doomed from the start anyway. It only serves to PO our Glock owning members, and there are many. Where's the high road in that?

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