1000 Round Semi Auto Pistol Match 4/26/2008

This is a repost and update from the other 1000 round match thread over on THR...http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=310567

Given that it was buried on page 5, I thought I would repost the upcoming match announcement here. No discussion is necessary as we are just announcing the match.

With the help of Littlemac and JohnKSa, I will host a 1000 round match at my place for up to 12 shooters. It will be Saturday, April 26, 2008. My place is located in Montague County, Texas, about 90 minutes north of DFW airport.

1. To see which makes/models run better over long runs of ammo.
2. A Good time and maybe some bragging rights.

This is a spinoff match from the fun Glock vs. 1911 1000 round grudge matches that were all about bragging rights to which gun was best. This match is expanded to include any legal semi-auto pistol. It will be interesting to see how various makes, models, and calibers perform. We'll post the results.

The preliminary course of fire will be this...
20 stages of 50 rounds per stage
All 50 rounds are to be shot within a set time, say 90 seconds (TBD)
Stage times are the total time allowed for the stage, including malfunctions.

Every malfunction will be recorded for the full duration or until shooter quits, gun breaks, or the gun reaches 50 malfunctions. In the interest of time as it is only a 1 day match

No gun will be allowed to be serviced once the first shot is fired. So no cleaning, lubing, wiping, tightening, repairing, or otherwise adjusting, etc.

Malfunctions will be noted as to when they occurred in the stage and described based on descriptive and NOT diagnostic parameters. For example, a hammer drop on a live round that does not detonate will be a FAIL TO FIRE and not be called a hard primer, light primer strike, or bad primer since a determination of the of these specific causes would require a detailed examination of all the components involved before the issue could be resolved. Similarly, a FAIL TO FEED issue won't be attributed to bad ammo, weak mag spring, or a weak recoil spring. And so on.

The malfunction will be cleared by the shooter while being documented by a recordkeeper and the shooter will then continue the stage.

Non-function-related problems will also be noted. For example, if someone has a grip work loose, sight insert fall out, but the gun can still be shot safely, we will note the problem and allow the gun to continue in the match.

1. Shooters much have state concealed carry permit or LEO certs. That is just the screening process since few of us will actually know each other before the match.
2. 7 magazines or more for their gun and the mags must hold at least 7 rounds. Each stage will be shot starting with one in the chamber and then the 7 mags so that shooters all have a comparable number of magazine changes.
3. 1000 rounds of ammo
4. Semi auto pistol for the match
5. Typical eye and ear protection

Strongly suggested aspects:
2. Factory ammo
3. 8 magazines instead of 7

Targets will be steel targets. There will be approximately 4 different setups shot 5 times each. Distances will be varied and some longer range shooting (50 yards or so) will take place.

Those who are interested may PM me for more information. Please include your email address.
Strongly suggested aspects:
2. Factory ammo
This may not be popular, but since the point of this is testing the guns, not the reloading skills of the shooter, the reliability of aftermarket add-ons or home gunsmithing ability, it's pretty important to try to isolate the gun as a factor as much as possible. Besides, it's not a strict requirement--shooters will not be turned away because their guns are modified or because they brought reloads.

The suggestion is an attempt to cut down on the complaints after the match that a failure wasn't due to the gun it was due to the modification or a faulty reload. There's just not enough time to do a forensic analysis of every malfunction to determine the exact cause--a malfunction is a malfunction, a breakage is a breakage.

I think it would be fun to see at least one stock Beretta 92FS entered in this match.

I'm going to be entering a Glock 20. UPS brought me some more 10mm ammunition yesterday so I'm all stocked up and ready. :D
stink, that's a long ways away. I'm sorely tempted to come and let you see an HK perform flawlessly for 1000. Anything like this happening in Southern California, Arizona or Southern Nevada?
Anything like this happening in Southern California, Arizona or Southern Nevada?
All it takes is some planning and a place to shoot...

You could hold one in your area. I'm sure DNS would be happy to provide tips & hints based on what he's done setting up this match.

It would actually be pretty interesting to have several of these matches run in various places with formats that are similar enough that the results could be easily compared.
Sounds fun but I don't know that I would trust my usual target pistols to run that long without cleaning. I have to tighten the grip screws of my Hi-Power every 3-400 hundred rounds so that one is out. "Grips fell off" would look terrible on my scoresheet.


Don't know about the 50 yard accuracy, though. I better try it out.
oldbill, try some Loctite on it. They make a couple of kinds, make sure you get the one that isn't permanent. You can find it at auto parts stores.
Also, that's what I like about HK. They are built for combat and horrible conditions, and can take 1000 rounds without cleaning. Not that they don't last longer if you clean more, but 1000 rounds is not going to damage or even mess up an HK.
Perfect guns

So how many perfect pistols are going to show up? Surely guys that guns never give them problems are going to bring to show the rest of us mortals that there are some guns out there that don't have malfunctions.

So where are you guys at? JM
stink. I'd love to be there. If you pay my gas and lost wages from the time off, I'll be there for sure!
giving serious thought to starting one closer to home.
Looking forward to the report.
Sorry, but the match scholarship programs and the adopt-a-shooter programs that we tried to get started have met with a lack of support from the community and I haven't been able to locate any federal grants that would cover shooter expenses. I even looked in the Homeland Security cash cow for $$. No luck. Also, there seems to be a similar lack of interest in folks serving a magazine caddies for the shooters, carrying and reloading magazines between stages.

Maybe next year.
1. Shooters much have state concealed carry permit<snip>

Why didn't you say you didn't want shooters from Maryland; you KNOW it's futile to apply for CCW's here :(

All the best,
I don't know about your futility, but if you come from Maryland, I'll let you shoot and buy your lunch. Bring a note from your mother. You probably don't have those in Maryland either. Okay, then bring your DL. For you and folks from Maryland, I will make an exception, but only because you whined first.

The requirement was because I don't know the shooters who may show up on my property. It is simply a way to know that strangers have had a background check at some point in the recent past and passed.

Now stop whining and come shoot. PM me with your email.
While it's not 1000 rounds, they do hold the Crazy Croc Banzaii Ballistic every year in Oregon around Labor day.. 8 stages, 400+ rounds.. A few of us crazy revolver shooters have actually made it to that match.. If I were to go, it'd be with my 627 and I'd shoot Production or L10 minor.. Sounds like you might have a fun match regardless.. It's not only a match that will test your gun but also endurance of the shooter.. Imagine firing that many rounds double action :D