100 years of the 1911 news story.

a good read. Thanks.

In their defense, "clip" was in quotes after "magazine."

It seems like they got it right.

I'm going to get one this year.
Just bought mine.

(my first?)

See Semi-auto forum for details.

Thanks for the inspiration.

It also wound up being my 2011th post!
What do you know, some positive information from the media. I'ii give them the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Thanks for passing it along. Eagle
You realize the "liberal media" is a myth propagated by conservative talk radio personalities to demonize the competition, right? If you don't like the way the times are going, it's easy to shoot the messenger and put out only a message that caters to what your audience wants to hear.
Most journalists aren't as knowledgable about firearms as self-professed experts that spend 10 hours a day in gun forums, that much is true. If I had a penny for every regurgitated bit of 'wisdom' here on the errornet that had no bearing in reality, I would be a rich, rich man.
The 1911 represents much more than what is mentioned in the article.

Go anywhere in the world where civilians are allowed to take part in handgun competitions and the 1911 will be there blasting away. It makes mediocre shooters like myself look good.:)

What a pistol.
I ran across this story on the internet. Is it a softening on guns in the media or a way for libs to act like they know about guns?

Contrary to paranoid myopic gun owners, the media isn't against guns per se. When folks expand their horizons, they may be surprised to find that the media is a lot more concerned with catchy headlines and storylines and many of the catchier ones do involve negative things. An unfortunate aspect of firearms is that they are often are part of human tragedy, be it war, murder, suicide, etc.

Even when guns are used in a positive manner, which grabs the bigger headline, the story where the bank robbers are killed by the cops or the story where the bankrobbers peacefully surrender to the cops?

Think about it. Feel good stories tend to only air on slow news days. Tragedy is always a better seller than happiness.
Guess I'm a paranoid myopic gun owner

We have a media who for whatever reason (selling papers, more advertising, or are just plain anti gunners) who insist on portraying every semi automatic firearm as a "ASSAULT WEAPON" which plays right into the anti gunners' hands.

This same media constantly backs the anti-gunners when it comes to hi capacity magazines and any type of "military appearing" firearm. If my believing this makes me paranoid, so be it! Now, I'm not truly myopic as my distance vision remains fine despite the need for reading glasses.
Focus! 100 years! I still am amazed. The automobile was new, so (kinda) was radio, medical procedures were slightly above mid-evil times, yet I have many handguns from polymer to highcap wonders and my "nightstand" gun is a 1911. LONG MAY IT LIVE
Sorry, I just get tired or reading posts where people express such shock about the liberal media when they say something that isn't negative above guns.

If you have a way to make guns sound exciting more so than just being happy a person with a gun didn't shoot the wrong people (see threads related to Zamudio).

When was the last time you saw a story on vehicular brakes and their improvements over the last decades and saving lives, but at the first notion that a brake failure might have resulted in a death or multiple deaths, the news is all over it.

There is definite bias in the media, but it isn't against guns per se. They seem willing to hype anything that will make for a good story, and fluffy kitties don't make for good stories. What is interesting is that so many of you think the media actually cares one way or the other about guns. They don't.

Of course, the opposite view is interesting. Many gun folks think that just because the media says something about guns that the media must be wrong, and that isn't the case either.
More media love......


DNS, I agree they will, "lead with what bleeds". Here is an example where the title could have been, "Second Amemdment Supporters rally at the Capitol for States Rights". But instead "Gun-Toting". Then they talk to the Human rights guy. What does that have to do with the story at hand? You are mislead if you don't think the national media is anti-gun per se. IMHO. Also, I must add I do live near a major metro area where anti-gun stories are overwhelming.

And as Nixon said, "Paranoid people have enemies too."
