10 round mags sunset law


hey all can any explain what this is? i have seen it refered too on other post but is the 10 round limit on magazines gonna expire in 2004 and then we can buy high caps again? for reasonable prices?
The 1994 Assault Weapons ban is scheduled to sunset in 2004, if congress takes no action. The key is, "takes no action."

It's up to us, the voters, to get off our asses and vote so that the congress during that time period will take no action.
I vote, but I don't exactly know what to vote for. Haven't seen any specific legislation that I can vote on that refers to this. Vote for the pro-firearms legislators? You bet. Write letters? That would help too.

I have to say that is pretty sneaky to have this bill sunset in an election year. I think we need to be smarter and not just ultra vocal. Any ideas related specifically to this? Statistics, etc?
I have to say that is pretty sneaky to have this bill sunset in an election year.
That may have been the original intent, but this fact may work in reverse. Even Bill Clinton acknowledged that the Dems were pounded badly in the mid-term elections because many who voted for the Crime Bill were targeted and voted out because of it.

If Congress remembers this, we won't see a repeat.
Letting it expire

Should be priority for NRA. If it's renewed without a hell of a fight from the NRA, then my financial support is going over to GOA .
Actually, the time to act is NOW!

We have midterm elections where 1/3rd of the Senate is elected. Its time to replace the anti-gun senators with pro-gun senators. One such critter is Paul Wellstone of Minnesota. Torricelli is another.

Unfortunately, John McStain is not due until 2004. I don't know about Bounced-Check Boxer, or Jack Reed of Rhode Island. Schumer might be due in 2002.

Too bad Clinton, Feinswine and Lieberman all won their elections on 2000, so they get to steal from us for another 4 years.

Also, it doesn't hurt to send more anti-gun Congressmen back into the private sector.

Oh, and don't rely on the NRA to do the heavy lifting. You need to research your candidates and maybe become a thorn on the side of the current anti-gun politicians. Politicians are like animals, they respond to political pain. When you and your shooting buddies come down enmasse during their town hall meetings and ask them why you should trust them to send to Washington if they don't trust you to have guns, and they stammer and stutter, they remember it.

When you do it to them twice in a row, they will tell the Brady bunch to go take a hike.
If it sunsets...

I'm getting an HK USC.
There are a lot of guns hamstrung because of that retarded law.

Then again, because of it, there are a lot of new guns that became popular... the super compact .45s and such.