+1 or +2 baseplates for HK USP45 Compact?


New member
I've often considered purchasing an HK USP45 compact, and I know that 8 rounds compared to 10 rounds is not a big deal, but I was wondering nonetheless.

A search on www.google.com has produced no such item, but I began to wonder... What about the Glock +2 mags? Has anyone ever gotten curious enough to try and put one of the Glock bases on an HK Compact?

I doubt seriously that only having 8 rounds is going to affect my decision in any way, but you know, boredom is the mother of "I wunder"... ;)
Doesn't look that way...

I don't have a USP compact... or I'd go to my local hang-out and try a few Glock bases on it... (hint hint)