1 deaf ear / ear protection question.


Hi all,

I am new to the world of guns. I just bought my first gun and am looking to purchase some ear protection as well. I would prefer the electronic kind but I don't know much about it really. So I'm hoping to pull from the wealth of knowledge I've seen on this site.

The catch here is that I'm deaf in my left ear. Now from what I know about the fancy electronic ear protection, SOME of them actually have mics on each ear and ONLY put out the sound to that particular ear. Is all electronic ear protection this way or no? In my case I think it might be better if I get something that plays the sound in BOTH ears regardless of which direction the sound came from, because I'd rather hear the sound in my right ear even if the source is the left side of my head, than to never hear the sound at all because it's only piped in my deaf ear. Make sense? :D

Can anyone recommend the best electronic ear protection for someone like me or give me any additional advice? Price is not really an issue because with one good ear left how can I put a price on my hearing.


I know how you feel. I am completely deaf as a rock in my right ear. I also understand when you say "price is no object". (You've GOT to take care of what's left!) I have a set of Pro-Ears, "Pro-Mag" version. They are great! They have separate controls on each side. I usually turn both sides on because I do have some bone conduction of sounds in my right ear, so as the sound vibrates my jaw-bone, I get something. (Even if it's not really the voice of someone.) The Pro-Ears work really good. I can shoot a large automatic and the gunfire report is "compressed" to a very quite little "pop", but I can distinctly hear the empty brass hit the concrete floor behind me! (I found THAT amazing.) The first time I put them on, I went around the house looking for the gas leak:eek: that I KNEW I heard. It turned out the noise of "escaping gas" was my dog breathing!:o At the range I can hear a whisper (from BOTH sides!) from my wife, but our pistols sound like the report they make are "pops". However, when I shoot my AR15, I "double-plug". I'd probably be safe with the Pro-Ears, but I'm not taking any chances with my one and only working ear!
I ordered mine from the factory. I explained that I was deaf in one ear. The guy who I talked to said, "NO problem, we can do a slight adjustment and give you more range". He was right. I hear MUCH better with the Pro-Ears on. Get some, you won't be sorry! However, do call the factory and tell them about the deafness in one ear so they can do the same for your set as they did for mine.


Thanks for the great reply. After talking it over with one of the guys at Pro Ears he confirmed the "tweak" without me even bringing it up. He set them to stalker specifications and max volume for no charge.. So I just ordered a pair of black pro mag dimension 2. He still recommends double plugging as the majority of my shooting is indoors. I might have been able to get them cheaper somewhere else but I definitely wanted the factory tweaks. Anyway thanks again for your help.


Even when you double plug for indoor shooting, if you turn the volume up just a little, you can hear normal conversation just fine. Plus, the sound of the gunfire is just as muffled as ever. Glad to be of help.

Kentucky Rifle