1-10 verses 1-11 twist on 300 wsm


New member
I had a Savage model 16 in 300 wsm that was a sub inch grouper with 180 grain nbt's I picked up a Tikka T3 with 1-11 twist today. Going to load some up for the weekend but wondering if the 1-11 will stabilize 180 grain as good as the 1-10 did.
It will STABILIZE it just fine.
Now whether it will shoot as accurately depends on more than twist.
You just have to shoot the gun. And maybe end up with a different bullet.
Getting excited to reload I've found that suggested coal at 2.830 with 180 nosler is in the lands marring up the bullet. 165 Hornady sst doesn't. No to figure out what to do. Had some primed from the Savage and bolt was super tight. Shot a few and had to set shoulders back another thousands to get .002 headspace. Let empty brass load better but still jamming 180 in the lands. May have to stick with 165 or 168 grain is my thinking. Maybe another bullet besides Nosler. Don't plan on staying on the bench any longer than to zero and check a few longer ranges. Recoil not near as bad as gun shop stated.
Depends on the bullet. Hornady suggests 1:12 as the optimum twist for their new 178 gr ELD-X bullets. I've fired them in 12 and 10 twist 308 and 30-06 barrels with equal accuracy. They recommend 1:10 twist for any of their 30 caliber bullets 200 gr and above.

I doubt if you'll notice any real difference between 11 and 10 twists. I'd think you should be able to shoot 180 NPT's in the Tikka. Something ain't right. My load manuals say 2.86 is suggested OAL for 300 WSM and I often load them a bit longer for my Winchester. I have 180 Accubonds and 200 gr ELD-X's at 2.90".

I normally don't pay much attention to OAL. I load them to just fit the magazine then I chamber a round. If it bumps the lands I seat deeper until it doesn't. Wherever that is, is OAL. If they shoot well, and they usually do I leave well enough alone. If not I may experiment seating deeper, but that almost never helps.
I went from an old load that worked in my Savage and seated at 2.864. Couldn't close the bolt and lock it at that oal. Saw the Bt info tested at 2.830 and still jamming in the lands with the 180. Same oal with 165 was smooth and no scarring up the bullet. Going to pick up a box of factory tomorrow if I can find some. Throat of tikka may be shorter than Savage but I wouldn't think saami specs wouldn't work. May have a rifle going back if I can't figure this one out. Wish I had a factory 180 to measure. All Tikkas I've owned have liked a jump to the lands. This one different animal.
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