$1,000,000.00 insurance policy


New member
NYS trying to pass a bill that police and anyone owning a firearm must have a insurance policy for a million or you can't possess a firearm. A way for the bad guys get rich and to take away our guns. Our governor and mayor are such sleeze bags and that's being nice.

If they would take a look at the folks doing the shooting how many of them are ALREADY illegal gun owners and do they think these folk would get insurance???

Enforce the gun laws you got before we talk about more gun laws.

If only all this effort used by the anti-gun folk could be channeled toward something useful...
You would believe what's going on in NY . It's a disgrace . Lived here all my life , when in the military I spent some time in the south , Southerners are the backbone of the country , hard working , honest and love this country . Wish the south had one. My son lives in Florida , I like the change in seasons or I'd be out of here.

i dont think i could live in that state,,,them people running it are plum crazy,,,how do they keep getting voted in??? i aint gittin it

come on out to missouri cw,,,we got change of season and perty friendly gun laws here,,,dang sure better than that new york place

Majority of the people are liberals and criminals , Governor Coumo and Mayor DeBlasio are such clowns , a pair of phonies. Missouri has there share too , look what happened in St Louis . Things will turn around , not fast enough though . Gun violence is up 277% in NY . Be Safe and Ready out there.

cw308 said:
NYS trying to pass a bill that police and anyone owning a firearm must have a insurance policy for a million or you can't possess a firearm. A way for the bad guys get rich and to take away our guns. Our governor and mayor are such sleeze bags and that's being nice.
In a sane world, one would hope that such an idea would be rejected on the grounds that it's an undue restriction on a constitutionally protected right. But we don't live in a sane world.

In a sane world, one might hope that if such a law were enacted, it would be struck down by a federal judge. But we don't live in a sane world, and most of the federal judges in the district that includes New York are enemies of the Second Amendment.
Hope they realize that their private security will have to have insurance also! The secret service... just proves how insane these clowns are!

Politicians should have insurance on their mouths, maybe then they'll learn to keep them shut!
Hope they realize that their private security will have to have insurance also! The secret service... just proves how insane these clowns are!

They don't care. The Secret Service, all Law Enforcement, personal security guards etc.. will have their insurance paid for with tax dollars. You and I will pay for it.
Didn't NRA membership used to come with a sizeable (was it a million?) of insurance coverage for certain things??
lol,,,well i guess you got me there cw,,,yeah that st louis crap is just that,,,a load of crap,,,guy on his property with his gun outside and a mob in front of him,,,and HE is the bad guy,,,,now just how was he supposed to know what the mob's intentions were,,,with the history they are making....sorry,,,,but that is a boat load right there

the clowns security will be exempt,,,,,or like mike said ,,,WE will be paying for it

this whole mess is upside down,,,no logic,,,kinda makes you wonder just how far down this rabbit hole we are going to go before these so called politicians get their head out of the bung hole,,,,

sorry guys but this mess we got going on gets me going,,,

stay frosty,,,

What type of policy is it? Personal liability? Anyone with any assets should have a personal liability policy, and $1 million is not as huge a number as some would think, particularly when assets are not just money in the bank, but your house, certain insurance policies, etc.
I would say that a government putting a requirement to exercise a constitutionally protected right is an undue burden.

Someone barely able to survive and pay rent can't protect themselves and their loved ones because they can't afford an insurance policy? So now criminal are free to prey on poor people.
That is exactly what they want . It is a separate policy only on firearms. You can see the writing on the wall. Just think of some Ford enployers wanted Ford to stop making Police cars .The CEO has a pair and said they can find employment elsewhere if that's how they feel and they will continue to build Police care.
Ill move before i rake out any cash for their policy. Pass! Comrade Cuomo is beyond delusional! The silent majority it this state needs to stand up and be heard damn it!
Move No , Stand Up , Yes . I push at every opportunity . Our cowardly NY leaders cave in all the time. Riots in Brooklyn and DeBlasio is street painting black lives matter in the Bronx. What a slug worse then a worm , he wouldn't last a day in the street . Hang in there 81.
We don't have $1 million dollar insurance polices on our trucks & cars.
There could be much more than $1 million in damage if someone stole one & went on a killing spree like they do with guns.
This is just another attempt at getting our guns, if they make it too expensive to own you will have less owners.
If the enforce the gun laws on the books they will have less violence but less violence isn't what they are after, even if that's what they say.
They want our guns so we have to conform to their rules, so we have no way of overthrowing any form of tyrannical government they want to set up.