'06 Camp Perry questions.


New member
I'm thinking about going just for the experience, but I'm a bit confused about what matches are right for me. The names and requirements for different matches have me a bit unsure of what I would be eligible for.

I would be shooting my M1A Super Match. I am a rookie, but don't mind coming in at the bottom of the barrell. I want to take in the whole experience and try my hand against the best of the best. Of course, I can't spend a month there, but want to participate in as much as possible to make the trip worth the time and effort.

In short, what matches should a guy like me be looking at?


Something must have changed. Way back when I went, it was necessary to win state championship or at least score high enough to be on be on the state team. Think this was true for military also, to be on their team. Perhaps there are other matches than what I remember.
Talk to your State Association

Talk to your State Association

At very best you will want to be a classified shooter well before you go - the various CMP/Garand matches where you would be shooting with other novices would be a useful introduction back home. Experience working the pits would be really good too.
I have been there several times with the Army team ,and as far as I know you can enter any of the endividual matches that you would like to ,including the 1000 yard Leach or Wimbledon also the Leg match (excelance in compition match) to earn points toward being Distinguished. Its lots of fun and you will enjoy shooters row in the evenings.
If possable I would recommend going as a volinter in the highpower matches ,the first year ( everything is payed for except the trip to get there )then after you see how everything works you can go as a shooter .
For High Power matches there are three weeks at Perry. The first week is CMP, the the matches you can shoot your M1A would be the Presidents (a thirty shot match, The EIC (50 shot Leg match), and various team matches, no sighters for these matches. The other matches for CMP week require a Garand or Springfield. These are very inexpensive matches.
The second week would be NRA week, and you can shoot your M1A for all these matches, these are three 80 shot regional type (20 at 200yds offhand, 20 at 200yrd standing to sitting rapid, 20 at 300yds standing to prone rapid, and 20 at 600yds slow prone) two shot sighters allowed in each position.
The third week is long range, 600yd midrange, then 800, 900, and 1000 yrd Palma, 1000 yrd Winbleton, etc.
The Presidents will be July 31, the EIC August 1. The NRA High Power championship is August 7-10. The Long Range is August 11-14. Here is the tentative schedulehttp://www.civilianmarksmanshipprogram.com/NationalMatches.htm
You can register online at the CMP website for the CMP matches, and at the NRA website for the Nationals.
You can stay in the fairly new barracks for $11 a night, or get a hut for $44 which has four beds.
If you are going to shoot CMP week, borrow a Garand and Springfield so you can shoot everyday. If you shoot NRA Nationals weeks, you can shoot your M1A everyday for about a week and a half.

I went to Perry for the first time this year. I agree that the match descriptions can be alittle confusing but I had some friends that had been there before so they helped me with the matches I should be in.

I'm also a M14/M1A shooter. I shot the Presidents Match and the NTI (EIC) Match. Had a great time finished in the middle of the pack (didnt think that was too bad)

I would suggest the NTI and the Presidents matches to start. I'm gonna try the Vintage rifle match in '06 (probably shoot an Enfield) and maybe the M16 EIC match, maybe get some LEG points (yah right!).
If your going to make the trip, shoot every match you can. The CMP used to lend a M1 to shoot the Garand match and if you liked it you could buy it, I'm not sure if they still do, I'll check last years program and see if its still there. The Army furnishes the M16 for the M16 match, ammo is provided by the CMP for the M16, Springfield and Garand matches. The Presidents and Leg match you furish your own ammo.
You might also be interested in the Small Arms Fireing School, that is held the two days before the Presidents match, it is put on by the Armed Service's marksmanship teams.
Hook up with a group of other shooters to go with, makes it more fun! Trust me.

Second, check out attending Small Arms Firing School. It is nice because you get to learn the ropes of the range and get some instruction on firing. Useful for inexperienced competitors, but I found it a bore.

First day of matches, Tuesday I think, is the President's 100. 30 rounds; 10 200 offhand, 10 300 prone rapid and 10 600 slowfire prone. Have your zeros down, otherwise this could get frustrating quickly.

Then you should look at entering the National Trohpy Individual, which is an Excellence in Competition match good for Leg points if you make the cut. And it is just fun to be there shooting! ;)

I don't know about the other individual matches. The M16 match looked like fun, as did the Springfield and Garand matches. I was there on the Gun Owner's of New Hampshire State team, but you don't need a team and support van to show up and have fun.

FWIW, 2005 was my first year and I finished 287th in the P100 (279 with a few IIRC) and in the mid to high 400 position on the NTI (461 with few again). Of course I am looking forward to going back for 2006. Bring it on!! :D