06' Ammo Score


New member
I bought this yesterday, decent price and was local (Bay Area CA).


(And yes it does come with a opener!)
nice score. was that in bandoleers and strippers?

I actually just sold a can of lake city 06 in a can a lot like that. slightly different markings and I believe it was a late 40s can.
That is 1967 Greek ammo. I would bet it came from the CMP originally. The cases are boxer primed and easy to reload. Those are in cardboard boxes of 20 rounds each. Sometimes the rounds touching the glued ends are a bit corroded. You don't want to know what those went for just a few years ago.

HXP 67 is very accurate for milsurp. I get about 1.5" 5 shot groups with it. Not as good as handloads but pretty decent. Good score!