06/26 Second Amendment Rally in Niagra Falls, NY

Dave Kreyer

The SCOPE organization (Shooters Committee On Political Education) will be sponsoring a Second Amendment Civil Rights Rally at 11:00 a.m., on Saturday June 26th. The location will be:
Niagra Falls City Hall
745 Main Street
Niagra Falls, New York (USA)

Invited guests include six local political figures and several local media representatives.

In my opinion, SCOPE (www.SCOPEny.org) is the most effective pro-Second Amendment organization operating in New York State. A strong showing at the rally could improve their lobbying position with the NYS legislature. If you are a NYS resident, please try to attend.
I've post elsewhere on this, so this may be redundant. I picked this neat idea up from another poster. Have each member wear a yellow Star of David with the words "Gun
Owner" on it. Boy, this works on many levels:
A tribute, and a reminder to those with short memories, to a people who lived (briefly) in a State where only the police and military had guns. It's also a symbol of how we gun owners are being singled out and demonized by the State and their flunkies in the press. It makes the anti-gun press EXTREMELY unconfortable and they may try to ignore you, as happened to the originator of this idea in Denver. He cut the Star out of a yellow margarine tub top. I tried paper as the medium as I didn't have a good ink pen and all it did was smear on the plastic. I wore it to a gun show in Las Vegas, and NOBODY said a word, even guys at the NRA table. Everybody I talked to looked you in the eye, as if I had an arm missing, or something -- and these are pro-gun types! The media was there and even though I walked right by their cameras a couple of times, there were no takers -- they only filmed those carrying assault rifles. It does make people sit up and think, so even if the media try to show that you folks had a small turnout, they can't get around those Stars.
I like it. Much better than those silly-ass CCW badges.

I'll make a few and take them to the range this weekend.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Oatka, that is just the neatest idea I've heard in a while. If the media ignores it long enough, perhaps there will be so many that it's IMPOSSIBLE to ignore.

Larry P.