03 Springfield Stock Question


I have just bought a 03 Springfield, barrel dated SA 11-18. The stock has W.E.S. Inspection Initials, which I believe is correct for a 1918 Springfield. My question is the small R in the cutoff recess. The books I have read say it should be an S, or nothing at all. Can anyone give me input on this?

Remember that many M1903s have been rebuilt over the years, there is "factory correct"-right off the assembly line, and out of the inspector's hands, and "period correct"-GI parts but not necessarily factory correct.
1903 Springfield Stock Question

Not sure what you mean by your answer. Everything on the rifle is true to the time period and serial number range, not saying at one time the rifle was not restored, using all the right parts. I would think that if this was done by the army there would be rework or additional inspector marks on it, there is just the one, W.E.S. I would think the small S, if it was there, would stand for Springfield, but the small R has me wondering. I thought maybe Remington, but the inspector mark is Springfield.

Thanks for replying,
I could just be talking out my hind end but the stocks were not necessarily made at the same factory that made the rifle, I believe that a K for keystone is a fairly common one.
The cmp forum well help you with id'ing your stock. Almost all 1903's have been through at least one arsenal rebuild/repair. A original "as issued" rifle may or may not have the parts it had when manufactured, but is still correct.
